Thursday, May 21, 2020
Improving The Retention Rate Of South Nigeria - 1424 Words
Introduction One of the millennium development goals set by the United Nations is for all nations to achieve universal primary education. Many developing nations like Nigeria are working to ensure that the children and youth of their countries have access to free and compulsory primary education in an effort to educate the masses. Though Nigeria is making strides and improving the retention rates of its students, it still has the highest number of children out of school in the world. In Nigeria alone, more than 10.5 million students are out of school, the majority of them in northern Nigeria, and are mostly girls (Moser, 2014). Northern Nigeria is a predominately Islamic, rural, and vastly underdeveloped part of the country when†¦show more content†¦This part of the program functioned by rewarding a family with a 25 USD goat if a girl is able to complete school because she was not married away during the school year. (Erulkar Muthengi, 2009). The goat serves as an incentive for poor f amilies to keep the girl in school, increasing retention rates of girls in school, and reducing the rate of child marriages. My hypothesis is that the creation and enforcement of a similar program in Northern Nigeria would increase school attendance and retention rates for girls in region. Existing research on this topic focuses primarily on the causes of the gap in enrollment and retention rate between boys and girls in northern Nigeria, but no found studies have tried to explore or test solutions to the problem of gender discrimination. The dependent variable in this experiment would be the level of gender discrimination; the enrollment and retention rates of girls and the independent variable would be the implementation of the program and the presence of the goat as an incentive. The unit of analysis used in this experiment would be the individuals, particularly the girls because they are being surveyed and observed. Though the decision to enter marriage in certain cultures is u ltimately up to the parents, the students will either be encouraged or discouraged from entering
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Online Application For Online Applications Essay - 1248 Words
Online applications When you send a completed online application to us, we retain the information contained in that application. We are able to then use that information to provide any products and services that you require. You may also be able to suspend and save online applications, so you can complete and send the applications at a later time. If you suspend or save your application, the information that you have entered will be retained in our systems so that you may recover the information when you resume your application. Online applications that have been suspended or saved may be viewed by us. In particular, if you start but do not submit an online application, we can contact you using any of the contact details you have supplied to offer help completing it. Accurate information We take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, the accuracy of that information depends to a large extent on the information you or others provided to us. Update and access of personal information If you wish to make any changes to your personal information, please contact us. We will generally rely on you to assist us in informing us if the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete. You may request access to the personal information we hold about you by contacting us. We will respond to your request within a reasonable period. We will give access in the manner youShow MoreRelatedOnline Job Application5311 Words  | 22 PagesINTRODUCTION Background of the study On online job application, there are thousand of websites where you can post your resume online in applying a job in an easy and convenience way. All Online job application is designed to screen people out and make possible to reach a goal in their life. Online job application is one way to make people easier their life in finding a job. 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Washington’s Precedents Established Free Essays
Holding office from for a courageous eight years from 1789 to 1797, George Washington was one of the most significant presidents of all time. His other famous name is the â€Å"Founding Father†of the United States of America; He enforced the maximum amount of terms to two. When he promoted guidelines for the United States leader, his beliefs and visions were accepted as his guidelines have stayed over the years and some differed over the centuries such as the foreign policies and the political policies applied similarly. We will write a custom essay sample on Washington’s Precedents Established or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some of Washington’s appliances have yet to differentiate from the past as they are still applied. Document A states two important factors: government power and its proper usage. The government utilizes its limited powers. Document A states ††¦so many checks and efficacious restraints to prevent it from degenerating to any specious of oppression. †Washington acknowledges the facts that the government cannot corrupt the balance and checks system. Document D elaborates on the basis of the Embargo Act, which proved beneficial. The Embargo Act explains how taxation is a requirement for society, with all imports, exports, and shipping. Document D by President Thomas Jefferson states â€Å"undelegated powers its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force†. Jefferson believes that if the government will become more enforcing if they do not have the balance and checks system. They would have to do all that is necessary. If the government had enforced all necessities, there would have been no possibility for certain aspects of the political world There were many aspects that continue, as Washington would have wanted and some that didn’t. The process is handled today of the draft; Document G mentions the first concept of the topic. The draft is the sending of people to the military/army. Sometimes the draft was necessary especially if a war was to come about, but it somewhat belittled the freedom to a certain amount. One of the things that had gone wrong against Washington’s proposals is stated in Document I. Document I speaks about the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine basically states how The United States of America should not intervene with foreign battles and side with any European power. The Monroe Doctrine secures the United States because if the U. S would interfere, there is a possibility of battle that can evidently lead to war. Unfortunately history had repeated itself as the government decided to do what they feel and intervene in the Vietnam War (which really had nothing with the U. S. ). Some of the aspects Washington influenced have changed over the centuries. Document B states, â€Å"it is our policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world†, America, unfortunately, has formed relationships and alliance with European worlds. Document F shows how foreign connections can lead to betrayal or cruelty. The British had maintained the American ships and even violated some. All these foreign issues led to the War of 1812 between the British and the Americans. This settled the issues between America and Britain and fortunately settled possible future issues. â€Å"The baneful effects of the spirit of party generally. †, states Document B. In his Farewell Address, Washington believes if there are a separation and formation of different parties, new issues and corruption would occur. In reality, the formation of different parties promotes acceptance of new interrelated ideas. Washington proposed ideas that have been continued and have been overruled. He believed that the United States should separate from any European nation. He believed there should have been no formation of separate parties, which actually has changed over the centuries for positive reasons. Washington believed the government should be limited yet satisfied under the balances and checks system, and so they have been over the years. America has â€Å"repeated history†as they ignore the Monroe Doctrine by fighting with European Alliances. Washington was a smart man; his ideas were accepted, proposed, accepted, ignored and changed. How to cite Washington’s Precedents Established, Papers
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