Friday, January 24, 2020
the surreal world :: essays research papers fc
Art comes in many different shapes and sizes. From drawing on a desk in high school to digital art on computers, we don’t notice that art surrounds us everywhere. However, there is one particular art form that is gaining interest throughout the world, and has been around for years. This art form is known as Surrealism. Surrealism is the only form of art that truly lets you express your mind the way you want it to be expressed, with no limits or boundaries. In Surrealism, there is no gravity, words flow like water, objects can fly in the limitless skies, and images can swim. Basically, Surrealism has no rules; it is only the artist and his mind.      Around the early 1900’s, soon after the First World War, a man by the name of Tristan Tzara disliked the idea of war, and was disgusted by what happened and why World War 1 started. Tzara thought that a society that creates such chaos as war does not deserve art. However, his attempt to humiliate the new commercial world did not go the way he planned. His anti-art became art. The new chaotic, rebellious images became the status quo. This was known as the Dada Movement. The Dada movement slowly faded into thin air, as a group of artists thought the Dada Movement destroyed the gift of what centuries of artists have learned and passed on about the craft of art. This is when the Surrealist Movement began.      Surrealism, the movement in literature and fine arts, was established by a French poet by the name of Andre Breton. The goal of this movement was to emphasize the unconscious mind in a creative way. It was to express the unconscious mind in a more orderly and serious manner. There are two groups of surrealists that formed throughout this movement. One of the groups is the Automatists. Automatists indulged in a more creative manner, they thought of their art as meaningless. This is not to say they didn’t care about their art, but they simply did not have a definition of what they created. They believed that is was automatic the way images from the subconscious reached the conscious.      The other group of Surrealist are known as the Veristic Surrealists. The Veristics simply were almost the same as the Automatists. Except, the Veristics saw meaning in their work. The Veristics thought of their artwork as a metaphor for an inner reality. the surreal world :: essays research papers fc Art comes in many different shapes and sizes. From drawing on a desk in high school to digital art on computers, we don’t notice that art surrounds us everywhere. However, there is one particular art form that is gaining interest throughout the world, and has been around for years. This art form is known as Surrealism. Surrealism is the only form of art that truly lets you express your mind the way you want it to be expressed, with no limits or boundaries. In Surrealism, there is no gravity, words flow like water, objects can fly in the limitless skies, and images can swim. Basically, Surrealism has no rules; it is only the artist and his mind.      Around the early 1900’s, soon after the First World War, a man by the name of Tristan Tzara disliked the idea of war, and was disgusted by what happened and why World War 1 started. Tzara thought that a society that creates such chaos as war does not deserve art. However, his attempt to humiliate the new commercial world did not go the way he planned. His anti-art became art. The new chaotic, rebellious images became the status quo. This was known as the Dada Movement. The Dada movement slowly faded into thin air, as a group of artists thought the Dada Movement destroyed the gift of what centuries of artists have learned and passed on about the craft of art. This is when the Surrealist Movement began.      Surrealism, the movement in literature and fine arts, was established by a French poet by the name of Andre Breton. The goal of this movement was to emphasize the unconscious mind in a creative way. It was to express the unconscious mind in a more orderly and serious manner. There are two groups of surrealists that formed throughout this movement. One of the groups is the Automatists. Automatists indulged in a more creative manner, they thought of their art as meaningless. This is not to say they didn’t care about their art, but they simply did not have a definition of what they created. They believed that is was automatic the way images from the subconscious reached the conscious.      The other group of Surrealist are known as the Veristic Surrealists. The Veristics simply were almost the same as the Automatists. Except, the Veristics saw meaning in their work. The Veristics thought of their artwork as a metaphor for an inner reality.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Cmi 5002
CMI LEVEL 5 UNIT 5002 Assignment [pic] Simon Butterfield Table of contents Sectionpage number Introduction3 Be able to identify and select sources of data and information4-5 What is information? 4 Be able to analyse and present information to support decision making6-9 What is Decision Making6 Decision making styles6 Decision making model6 Group Decision Making8 Risks to Group Decision Making8 Decision making tools9 Be able to communicate the results of information analysis and decisions 10-13 Dangers and Barriers11 Methods of Communication11 Improving Communication12 Chairing Meetings13 Reasons for Ineffective Meetings13 Meetings I Attend13 Difficult People14 Negotiation14 Do’s and Don’ts of Negotiation14 Closing Statement15 Bibliography15 Introduction The following report is going to explain about decision making in my workplace, it is going to be split into 3 major bodies. Identifying information, analyse the information and communicate the results. Decision making can take time for some decisions to be made, others will take no time at all as we make them every day, unknown to us, every minute of every day we are making management decisions without knowing it. We are going to concentrate on larger decisions to be made, not every day issues, Decision making is all about gathering information, anlysing it, understanding the pros and cons of each path to be taken and deciding which to take to get where you need to go, some steps are easier if shared with others within the team. Be able to identify and select sources of data and information What is information? According to your dictionary online (http://www. yourdictionary. com/data), data can be defined as facts or figures to be processed; evidence, records, statistics, etc. rom which conclusions can be inferred and information in a form suitable for storing and processing by a computer. Data is basically statistics based on information. Data only becomes information when it is processed to be meaningful, processed for a reason and understood by the recipient. Within my establishment I have various possibilities of which information is gained, Most of the information I need to make a decisio n is available fairly easily, this is available on the internet within BAE systems. Lets take a scenario – my team has a bank of pipes to fit within the pressure hull of the submarine. The information needed is from isometric and arrangement drawings that show were in the correct place these pipes will go, the drawings are available from DIPS a section that issues all drawings to BAE personnel. There are two types of drawings one is an arrangement and there are isometrics. Arrangement drawings give most of information needed to install the pipes, like how they joint together e. g. lange, weld or screwed fittings ETC, it also shows which pipes connect to each other, within the backing sheets the information given is the corporate part numbers of all identified fittings and things needed to fit the system. The isometrics show each pipe separately, showing the pipes dimensions, bend data and datum’s giving exact information to the individual pipe. All this information is just the first part of info needed to fit the system, as well as these drawings, othe r information is needed, process instructions on how the best practice to set a pipe up for welding, clipping a grade 1 pipe system ECT. This information is also gained from the internet, from a part called the process library. This information is used to do the job as that is the way it should be done and there is no deviation from this, it should be followed to the letter to get it the job done right. As well as the process instructions, as a technical team we have to use standards, thease are from standards of fitting clips down to standards of shock clearance. Some are written and some are Pictorial see below [pic] All of the information needed is on the BAE internet. All the standards and process instructions are freely available, for everyone to use. To do the scenario as mentioned at the beginning, all of the above information is selected and used as it is part of the process flow and what is needed to do the job correctly. The drawings that are received from DIPS are subject to different classifications, most if not all are restricted due to there content, every employee has signed the official secrets act before being employed within BAE submarine solutions and know that thease are to stay within the company and not to be distributed to outside sources. Once thease drawings have been used they need to go back to the place of issue to be disposed of in the correct way. Be able to analyse and present information to support decision making What is Decision Making? Decision making is the cognitive process leading to the selection of a course of action among variations. Every decision making process produces a final choice (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Decision_making). Good decision making is an essential skill for career success generally. If you can learn to make timely and well-considered decisions, then you can often earn well-deserved success. However, if you make poor decisions you are more likely to be in trouble and not asked again. Decision making styles There are 3 main decision making styles which include the following: 1. Autocratic – decisions made predominantly by the manager 2. Democratic – decisions based on discussions by the manager and others involved 3. Participative – these are decisions made predominantly by those Below is a decision making model showing steps to be taken [pic] Step 1: Identify the decision to be made. You realize that a decision must be made. You then go through an internal process of trying to define clearly the nature of the decision you must make. This first step is a very important one Step 2: Gather relevant information. Most decisions require collecting pertinent information. The real trick in this step is to know what information is needed, the best sources of this information, and how to go about getting it. Some information must be sought from within yourself through a process of self-assessment; other information must be sought from outside yourself-from books, people, and a variety of other sources. This step, therefore, involves both internal and external â€Å"work†. Step 3: Identify alternatives. Through the process of collecting information you will probably identify several possible paths of action, or alternatives. You may also use your imagination and information to construct new alternatives. In this step of the decision-making process, you will list all possible and desirable alternatives Step 4: Weigh evidence. In this step, you draw on your information and emotions to imagine what it would be like if you carried out each of the alternatives to the end. You must evaluate whether the need identified in Step 1 would be helped or solved through the use of each alternative. In going through this difficult internal process, you begin to favour certain alternatives which appear to have higher potential for reaching your goal. Eventually you are able to place the alternatives in priority order, based upon your own value system. Step 5: Choose among alternatives. Once you have weighed all the evidence, you are ready to select the alternative which seems to be best suited to you. You may even choose a combination of alternatives. Your choice in Step 5 may very likely be the same or similar to the alternative you placed at the top of your list at the end of Step 4 Step 6: Take action. You now take some positive action which begins to implement the alternative you chose in Step 5 Step 7: Review decision and consequences. In the last step you experience the results of your decision and evaluate whether or not it has â€Å"solved†the need you identified in Step 1. If it has, you may stay with this decision for some period of time. If the decision has not resolved the identified need, you may repeat certain steps of the process in order to make a new decision. You may, for example, gather more detailed or somewhat different information or discover additional alternatives on which to base your decision Group Decision Making The benefits and problems with group decision making below: Benefits |Problems | |Pooling ideas together |Conflict could arise through disagreement | |Covering all eventualities |Too many options on offer | |Improving the likelihood of acceptance at |Decisions could be slowed down | |high levels as the whole team have | | |agreed | | |Ability to build on various suggestions |Accountability as no one person is | | |responsible | |Prevent rushing into decisions that may | | |be regretted later | | |Give more scope for creativity | | An example of group decision making, would be in my IWT (integrated work team) meeting, if an issue came up regarding a piece of work within the plan that can’t be fit, we, as a team would talk about it, planners team leaders and myself would make a group decision weather to move it to the right in the plan, split it up or add some more kit to the activity. Risks to Group Decision Making Some managers find it difficult to make decisions, especially if there is a high level of risk involved in them. Some risks are as follows: †¢ Making unpopular decisions or getting it wrong can leave you open to criticism by others †¢ Getting it wrong causes other problems for some people because they like to be liked by their colleagues. †¢ Some decisions will have a financial penalty such as going over budget or losing money. To minimize risk you need to gather information that may give you some indication of what might go wrong. The riskier the decisions the more information required. Main Risk |Minimising Risks | |Something will prevent you implementing |Get quality information on which to base | |your decision |your decision | |The risk that your decision will not |Be rigorous with your decisions making | |produce the effects you expect | | | |Always have a contingency plan | | |Don’t introduce risks by delaying the | | |implementation of your decision | Decision making tools In order to make effective decisions there are some tools and techniques that may help. Some decisions making tools I use include the following: †¢ Brainstorming – this helps generate lots of ideas. †¢ Mind Mapping – this is a tool I use after I have carried out a brain storm. It is on the mind map I can organise my ideas better and allow structure to decision. These tools are good when we need to do something different, as most of our work is mapped out for us a shown on page 4, when we have a challenging decision to make brain storming is useful to get ideas down and evaluate each one separately finding its advantages and disadvantages. Be able to communicate the results of information analysis and decisions In business no matter how hard people try there are always barriers that can prevent us from communicating effectively. Organisations that fail to do well often suggest that their failure is due to the inability to working around the barriers. Communication is so important in business and all barriers should try to be worked around to ensure an effective, efficient business. To communicate affectively the language should be understandable to the receiver and in a format that is easy to translate. Information should only be transmitted to those who really need in and at a time that would be most useful. Communication is the sharing between groups of two or more people to reach a common understanding. Communication involves making sure you communicate clearly so others understand your ideas, suggestions, instructions and requests. Communication allows the following: †¢ Understanding your work situation †¢ Quickly making decisions and solving problems †¢ Respond to situations as they change †¢ Improve relationships between others The model shown below is illustrates effective communication: Sender – this is the person or group wishing to share information †¢ Message – the information that a sender wants to share †¢ Encoding – translating a message into understandable symbols or language †¢ Noise â€⠀œ anything that hampers any stage of the communication process †¢ Receiver – the person or group for which a message is intended †¢ Medium – the pathway through which an encoded message is transmitted to a receiver †¢ Decoding – interpreting and trying to make sense of a message [pic] [pic] Dangers and Barriers Some experts claim that people like to spend 85% of your time engaged in some form of communication and that ineffective communication damages organisational performance. There are many barriers to communication which include: †¢ Noise 13 †¢ Assuming the receiver has the information †¢ Assuming the receiver understands the message †¢ The receiver assuming that the sender meant rather than checking †¢ The receiver deliberately misinterprets the message because they do not like its content The sender deliberately sends a misleading message Communication within BAE tends to contain jargon. Jargon is words or abbreviat ions that are rarely understood by people that aren’t familiar with or that are new to the company. E mails tend to be sent around camp that are cascades of information from the senior management team to the supervisors and then to everyone else. Some of the information contained in the e mails have abbreviations that not everyone understands or that aren’t explained properly. Trust is so important within BAE. It is difficult to communicate with a person if you feel you can’t trust them especially if the information is sensitive. The senior management team sometimes have very strong views and ideas about certain aspects of the business. This can become problematic if they chose not to listen to the thoughts of people working on the next level. By not listening and taking things on board this may cause a bit of tension and unhappiness within the work force. Methods of Communication Spoken methods of communication involve people actually speaking and often supplies you with an instant response. In some circumstances it is possible to see the person you are communication with for example in a meeting. The most common methods of spoken communication I use at work and their advantages and disadvantages are detailed in the table below. Verbal Method |Advantages |Disadvantages | |Telephone |I can talk to someone |Unfortunately on the phone | | |directly and get an answer |the person needs to be at | | |right away. |their desk to take the call I can’t see the | | | |person’s | | | |face when I tal k to them. | | | I can’t gauge their body | | | |language and facial expressions. | |Meetings |Allows me to provide |I need to be chairing the | | |information to a few |meeting to ensure I get | | |people at the same time |what I need from the | | |rather than individually |meeting | | |which saves time. It people to discuss the |Lack of attendance by key | | |information together in an |players can hold up the | | |open forum |decision making process | | |Decisions can be made by |Meeting can over run | | |more than one person |which means decisions | | | |may be rushed. |Face to Face |This gives me both verbal |I need to locate the person | | |and non verbal feedback |before I can talk to them | | |immediately |The person may allow | | |I can get undivided |themselves to be side | | |attention from the person |tracked by other things if it | | |There is no details of what |is not a formal meeting | | |happened when the face | | | |to face discussion took | | | |place. | | Improving Communication Ways in which we can improve communication between each other are: †¢ To improve the detail and content in information sent out so that people don’t get confused and understand the information correctly †¢ Ask people in meetings as things come up if they are all happy and understand Improve working relationships with line managers so that a trust can be built †¢ Listen to and discuss issues and problems with the senior management team †¢ Encourage feedback to the senior management team by all staff Chairing Meetings What are meetings? According to the online dictionary, meetings can be defined as an assembly or gathering of people, as for a business, social, or religious purpose. Advantages and Disadvantages of Meetings There are many advantages and disadvantages to meetings, which are outline below: |Advantages |Disadvantages | |You an get ideas and exchange information with lots of people at |Wasting valuable time that could be used | |once |better elsewhere | |You can make decisions |Costing a lot of money to get people together | |People can join in |A way of managers avoiding difficult | | |decisions | |You can get to know people better |Assign to already overworked people | |You can get people to work together | | | You can promote team spirit | | Reasons for Ineffective Meetings Meeting are often considered to be ineffective for the following reasons: †¢ No agenda is produced so people don’t really know what is going †¢ This tends to lead to meetings running over time †¢ People are often unprepared †¢ Nothing particularly interesting gets decided upon Meetings I Attend The meetings I attend are: IWT – this is where I chair the meeting to look forward into the plan to iron out any issues within my team, there is a wide variety of personnel there from planners, team leaders, engineering, materials and projects, from this meeting people will get issued with actions for them to fulfill. 3-4 BUTT meeting – this is chaired by my area manager to discuss our next milestone when we combine unit 3 to unit 4 of the submarine, we discuss issues that arise and that may impact on not doing our planned work. Difficult People If there is someone that has an issue that has arisen from the meeting that isn’t specific but they want to talk about it there and then I ask them to talk to me off line because it isn’t relevant to all at the meeting. By doing this I can stick to my agenda timings so as not to overrun. If one or two people star arguing about something I ask simply say we are wasting time and ask a new question to someone else in the meeting to change focus. Negotiation The process of negotiation has traditionally been described as hard bargaining and often is based on hidden agendas and power struggles. These days there is a partnership approach based on understanding and trust with the objective of obtaining a win-win situation where both parties are satisfied. In order to negotiate successfully, the very first thing to do is write down a plan or an agenda with clear objectives but be aware that negotiations rarely follow to plan. Other things to consider are: How you might react to the other parties’ arguments †¢ Have an ideal outcome or position †¢ Make sure that there is a trustworthy atmosphere – this just helps †¢ Ensure the relevant people are there Do’s and Don’ts of Negotiation |Do’s |Don’ts | |Start with friendly introductions |Interrupt the other person | |Listen actively |Reveal your walkway position | |Be prepared to ompromise |Talk too much or too little | |Be prepared to take a break |Make it personal | |Talk solutions not problems |Ignore the other person’s point of view | |Ask open questions |Be afraid to walk away | |Change the package not the price |Accept something you will regret later | Closing Statement There a many ways to gain information make decisions on it and then communicate it out, a couple of easy ways is to – gain all information facts and figures, get as many people to decide who and what is relevant and communicate it in the most sutible form as possible so everyone can understand what decision has been made or being communicated. Bibliography Online Dictionary http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Decision_making http://www. direct. gov. uk/en/RightsAndResponsibilities/DG_10028507 Cmi 5002 1. Understanding the links and differences between management and leadership 1. 1 Discuss the concept of leaders as effective managers Leadership and management go hand in hand but is not the same thing, but are linked and compliment each other. There has been debate about the difference between leadership and management. With some believing there is no distinction, while others that they should be separated in two defined roles. A common definition is: Management is about the day to day running of a function and getting the right people and resources in the right place with a focus upon implementation.Leadership is about creating a vision for that function and gaining peoples commitment by strategic direction. (NHSBT 5013 Workshop booklet) Effective management deals with resources, finances, time management and the coordination and control over these elements. Managers set goals and focus on reaching their targets. Have good organizational skills and will place people in roles to ge t the job the task complete. Have detailed planning taking into account adverse events that could prevent them completing task or achieving target. If the outcome gives worse results than expected an effective manager will look to provide a solution.Effective leadership deals with the people their opinions, behaviour and attitude. They will inspire and engage people to follow them and vision. Focus is on building relationships with people around them, can be an effective part of team and lead it at the same. Effective leaders teach others, learn themselves and are able to admit mistakes righting wrongs and apologising quickly. They can adapt to issues and problems if they arise, confronting reality and issues head on. Leaders will develop trust and subsequently is able to practise accountability, holding themselves and others accountable along with responsibility for results.How managers and leaders motivate their people to work or follow them is one of the main differences. By defi nition managers have subordinates and have a transactional style. The manager telling them what to do and with reward staff will do as asked. Where as leaders have followers, and following is voluntary. Managers plan details, focus on objectives, targets and managing the work. Manager tells and looks for and wants results, leader sells the idea or vision looking for achievement. With managers result focused, short term results can be high.However longer term, without development, motivated and inspired staff there will be a lack of innovation. Ultimately the team or organisation will be static and their performance will never excel. An example of this from NHSBT: 2008 new systems and processes were implemented with limited input from users (shop floor). Results improved for a short term. However there was no continuous improvement, development, innovation or feeling of ownership. Staff and donor (customer) satisfaction, motivation dropped with targets and objectives not reached.Alte rnatively without a management style or focus, day to day performance and results can suffer with only longer term vision strategy focused upon. 1. 2 Discuss the concept of leaders as effective managers Leadership fundamentals: †¢Have a clear vision or purpose of the future †¢Lead through the change to reach that vision †¢Shows commitment, loyalty and enthusiasm for the organisation. And is able to generate these same qualities in their people. †¢Listens to their people †¢Empowers staff and creates confidence for them to perform their role but also for them to explore how to perform better.Majority of leaders in organisations are also in managerial roles. Having an understanding and being able to perform aspects of both roles can be advantageous as managers and supervisors need leadership abilities. Managerial style is good for task achievement, setting goals, focusing on the processes. For this reason, managers to be successful leaders would have to develop a style that is not natural for them. Moving from transactional to situational style, using supportive behaviour, knowing the team and staff motivators.If managers cannot adapt a leadership style when required then staff will become unengaged and have low morale. Not recognising their own role in the organisation or the vision of organisation and where it wants to be. Managers are often seen as risk-averse and opportunities can be missed. Leaders will not rule out opportunities because of barriers and will consider risks to overcome these barriers and get things done. It is seen as easier to acquire managerial skills as they are based on processes and real situations that can be seen. Leadership skills require development of personal qualities which can be hard to quantify.An effective manager is respected for the role they play but an effective leader is often remembered long after they or their people are no longer in their roles. 1. 3 Evaluate the balance needed between the dema nds of management and the demands of leadership. Have a clear focus on vision and aims. Understand where the organisation/team is and wants to be. Evaluate what needs to change i. e. NHSBT efficiency with cost of blood unit to hospitals need to be reduced. Could the change be in the culture of the team or of the organisation? Analysis if the organisation, team or people are currently in the position to adapt to change.Do they have the commitment, motivation and drive. PESTLE analysis is a tool that can be used to help evaluate the demands of management and leadership needed for the organisation. Help to make decisions and understand the wider environment in which they operate. By understanding these environments it is possible maximise opportunities and minimise risks. PESTLE stands for – Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, and Environmental. Using this tool as part of decision making process helps to evaluate styles required, for example: Persuasion â₠¬â€œ Tell or Sell Commitment or ControlProactive or Reactive Approach – Sets direction or plans details Achievement or results Knowing yourself, people, organisation and factors that influence the task, team or individual will enable the correct balance to be made. An organisation requires both effective management and effective leadership to be successful, this can be difficult to find, but these attributes can sometimes be found in the same person. 2. Understand leadership principles that support organisational values. 2. 1Evaluate the role of the leader in contributing to the creation of the organisation’s vision, and in its communication to others.A leader has a vision or has same beliefs in meeting the organisations vision. Has the drive and commitment to move their vision forward despite often encountering barriers. Has integrity and inspires trust in that their people follow as they believe it is the right thing to do. A leader innovates, develops, positively en couraging people to do it right and better. Leader will understand and be clear on the vision. Understands where organisation and people are. Considers capabilities and realism, especially with resources such as people time and finances.Leader can use Situational Leadership style (Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership model), developing people or organisation through stages depending on starting point and maturity (S1 immature through to S4 maturity). (Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership model), S1 – Directing telling S2 – Selling S3 – Participating S4 – Delegating Communicating the vision, the leader will enthuse their people to work towards the goal. Will listen and consult, conveying their ideas, but also encouraging ideas and innovation. Review and revise if required on a regular basis to check understanding.Will tailor communications and actions as they understand people and their motivators. Motivate all to contribute, encourage and su pport to achieve their best and deliver results with continuous improvement. 2. 2Evaluate how personal energy, self –belief and commitment impact on leadership styles Personal energy – Channelled correctly into motivating and being enthusiastic about the vision. Can lead by example with this positive energy. Energy helps with the inner drive to reach goals and a determination to overcome barriers. If not channelled correctly can be seen as stressful (nervous energy).Balance required so the leader can be seen as driven but calm and considered, evaluating and listening to staff. Personal energy, commitment and self belief enable leaders to tackle issues that others may not see or want to tackle themselves. Self belief, commitment and inner drive gives and shows the strength and perseverance that they will and can move vision forward. Communicate this self belief so people follow because they believe it is the right thing to do and not ego driven. Self belief needs to sho w confidence in self and organisation but with humility so not seen as arrogance without chance of compromise or willingness to listen.Self belief often shows an honesty, allowing people to see where the leaders stands. Commitment and resilience to persevere, commitment should be realistic but unrelenting. Keep commitments, say what you are are going to do, then do what you have said will be done. Self belief and commitment allows a leader to be own person and to do the right thing. A leader will also encourage their people to be their self, develop self and their ideas. 2. 3Identify how empowerment and trust through ethical leadership impact on organisational practice.Ethical leadership – organisation to balance its vision/purpose with needs and feelings of staff, customers, suppliers, stakeholders and local communities. Responsibility for environment be it through sustainability, wildlife, natural resources, culture, heritage, fair trade. Acting with and showing integrity a nd transparency. Organisation needs to consult with these groups, giving them influence and empowerment in direction of organisation. Modern times, society and opinion has changed where public not only demand a high quality service but also ethical principles.Leaders, along with traditional business aims, need to create a framework of trust to the general public. Organisations cannot be seen as disreputable (i. e. , banking crisis), unfair to suppliers, lack of care or responsibility to staff. Leaders need to understand altruistic reasons – we do good things, so to shop or use our services is a good thing. This understanding helps to shape policies and strategy. Leaders should demonstrate respect, care and show that they care for others (be they staff, customers, suppliers or other stakeholders). Showing dignity to people and all roles.Ethical leadership can create transparency for an organisation, telling the truth in a way so people can easily understand and nurture a cultu re of being open and authentic. 3. Be able to understand and apply leadership styles to achieve organisational objectives. 3. 1 Distinguish between two different leadership styles The approach using Hersey and Blanchard (as seen in 2. 1) situational leadership styles model, is that there are four main leadership styles: †¢Directing †¢Coaching †¢Supporting †¢Delegating Situational leadership is choosing the right style for the right people.Not just using one style but changing to suit maturity of people and team and the situation. Directing (Telling) Style This is generally one-way communication from the leader. Telling exactly what is to be done by individuals, how to do it , where to do it and why they should do it. This style centres on getting the task done. Delegating The leader is still involved with decisions, but responsibilities and processes are handed to team and individuals. The leader will monitor and evaluate progress. Style centres on the people/tea m and development to work independently.Both styles are effective in used in the correct situation and with the right people: Directing style is often used with new staff or teams, they may lack all skills required and are unable to take responsibility for the task. However they are willing and enthusiastic to work at task. Delegating – As people or team become experienced and able to do the task. They become comfortable in their own ability to perform role well. They are then also able to take responsibility for this task. 3. 2 Assess the practical value of a leadership style to a manager in chieving organisational objectives Leadership style has a direct impact on organisation and its success. Leaders shape the culture, values and motivation within organisation. A leader does not have to be at the top of the organisation with leadership styles and qualities able to seen throughout. Successful leaders no matter what level all have one thing in common. They influence those ar ound them to gain maximum benefits from their resources. Important not to limit or restrict leadership style, being able to adapt styles to where your staff, team, organisation are, is key. 60 feedback is an excellent tool to help understand where you are and any development needs they may want to strengthen. Strengthening links between leaders/managers and staff. Helping to improve understanding of staff/team needs and their perception of their leader/manager. A self awareness to understand yourself and how you react to people and how they react to you is required. Some individuals will thrive on being given targets and tasks, while others may require the metaphorical, arm around them to feel supported.Developing self and people will give empowerment, higher motivation and innovation, creating engagement through listening and consultation. Questioning style allows staff to find and be guided to find own solutions. Play to strengths while looking to work on and improve weaknesses. A leader using a transformational style will look to change those they lead. This style does not simply use personality (charismatic) or reward and bargaining (transactional) to persuade people. Transformational style will use knowledge, expertise and a vision to engage with followers and gain buy in from followers that often remains long after the leader has left.Transformational leadership style allows followers to develop, change and to adapt. This embeds a culture of staff looking to innovate and change, allowing the organisation to be prepared and unfazed to any future changes, adapting as the social environment changes. 3. 3 Discuss situational variables likely to influence the choice of a leadership style A leadership style required can be determined by variables other than the maturity of staff, team or organisation. PESTLE analysis (Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, Environmental) is often used to evaluate the organisation’s environmental influe nces.It is then possible to audit the current environment and expected future changes, putting the organisation in a strong position to adapt to change or looking at taking advantages over competitors. To make decisions and plan for the future, organisations need to understand the environments in which they operate. By understanding these environments it is possible to maximise opportunities and minimise any threats to the organisation. Understanding the risks associated with the market they are operating in, its growth or decline and the need for the product or service.Leaders can then evaluate potential and direction of organisation. An example recently of where leadership and not adapting or taking a leadership style within an organisation, has failed is Jessop’s. By not adapting (using a transformational or Situational style) and understanding changes in the differing environments and factors around them. They failed to change and develop, too many high street shops with overheads and failed to take advantage of on line services which its competitors had done (Technology).Timescales in which task or objectives are required to be met will also impact on leadership a style. A quick implementation or turn around may generally require a more directing approach to meet a short term goal. Where as a long term strategic change will require an engaging leadership style. Inspiring others to follow and buy into the vision and making this a shared vision, supporting and developing individuals while also consulting and evaluating progress, moving forward together.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Famous First Lines of Novels
The first lines of novels set the tone for the story to come. And when the story becomes a classic, the first line can sometimes become as famous as the novel itself, as the quotes below demonstrate. First-Person Introductions Some of the greatest novelists set the stage by having their protagonists describe themselves in pithy -- but powerful -- sentences. Call me Ishmael. - Herman Melville, Moby Dick (1851) I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids -- and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. - Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man (1952) You dont know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that aint no matter. - Mark Twain, ​The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885) Third-Person Descriptions Some novelists start by describing their protagonists in the third person, but they do it in such a telling way, that the story grips you and makes you want to read further to see what happens to the hero. He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. - Ernest Hemingway, ​The Old Man and the Sea (1952) Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude​ Somewhere in la Mancha, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived not long ago, one of those who has a lance and ancient shield on a shelf and keeps a skinny nag and a greyhound for racing. - Miguel de Cervantes, ​Don Quixote When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton. - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (1954-1955) Starting With It Some novels start out with such original wording, that you feel compelled to read on, though you remember that first line until you finish the book -- and long thereafter. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. - George Orwell, ​1984 (1949) It was a dark and stormy night ... . - Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Paul Clifford (1830) It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. - Charles Dickens, ​A Tale of Two Cities (1859) Unusual Settings And, some novelists open their works with brief, but memorable, descriptions of the setting for their stories. The sun shone, having no alternative. - Samuel Beckett, Murphy (1938), There is a lovely road that runs from Ixopo into the hills. These hills are grass-covered and rolling, and they are lovely beyond any singing of it. - Alan Paton, ​Cry, the Beloved Country (1948) The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. - ​William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984)
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