Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Internal Fraud Case Study Essay - 650 Words
COVER STORY: INTERNAL FRAUD CASE STUDY Prepare a two-to-three page case study report on the following case: COVER STORY: INTERNAL FRAUD on pages 104-106 in Chapter 4: Billing Schemes of the Fraud Examination text by Wells. Discuss the coincidences involved in this case study. Use the 2009 Global Fraud Survey (also located in Doc Sharing) for references concerning perpetrator, size of fraud, detection, and controls. This case is about the $4 million embezzlement fraud by an employee of a magazine publisher, and how the fraud was discovered. The type of fraud discovered was a billing scheme that was found on accident. A billing scheme is, â€Å"Any scheme in which a person causes his employer to issue a payment by submitting invoices for†¦show more content†¦In doing so, they should have had someone else transporting the approved invoices to the accounts payable department. They should have also mailed the checks out to the clients rather than having someone come collect them. According to the 2010 Global Fraud Studies, â€Å"there was a strong correlation between the perpetrator’s position of authority and the losses caused by fraud.†3 Managers took 41% of the cases. With coincidence two, McGrane’s secretary noticed that Miano’s behavior became extravagant. From him purchasing $800 in drinks, to having 5 cars, one of which was a Mercedes, to him purchasing a 2nd home for $416,000, and him talking about a new $18,000 boat. I think the secretary should have seen it as a red flag when she noticed Miano’s behavior becoming extravagant and reported it to a higher authority. Managers should take the time to analyze the lifestyles of their employees. Unexpected and unexplained changes in lifestyle may suggest that fraud has taken place. I think the activity and responsibilities of this type of employee should be monitored. With coincidence three, a red flag should have been the fact that Miano hadn’t taken a vacation in 4 years. According to the 2010 Global Fraud Studies, â€Å"frauds committed by higher-level perpetrators also took longer to detect.†4 The median months were 18 months to detect fraud in managers. Then to take a vacation to go gambling isShow MoreRelatedInternal Fraud Case Study642 Words  | 3 PagesCOVER STORY: INTERNAL FRAUD CASE STUDY Prepare a two-to-three page case study report on the following case: COVER STORY: INTERNAL FRAUD on pages 104-106 in Chapter 4: Billing Schemes of the Fraud Examination text by Wells. Discuss the coincidences involved in this case study. Use the 2009 Global Fraud Survey (also located in Doc Sharing) for references concerning perpetrator, size of fraud, detection, and controls. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
A Long History Of Sexuality Is Conditioned And Inhibited...
â€Å"How we think about sexuality is conditioned and inhibited by a complicated history and, to make our problems worse, that history is in the power of those who have necessarily been antagonistic to women for a very long time. Males generally have been economically and socially superior to women since they became the primary producers and possessors of private property.†(Murphy Robinson, 1984: 251) One of Western societies biggest social taboos is sex. Even more so, there is a long history of repressed female sexuality. The years of absent representation of overtly sexual women has affected how they think and feel about their own sexuality, and allows them to be treated as a minority despite the gender being half the population. The first Ann Summers retail store opened in 1970, and current CEO Jacqueline Gold introduced the Party Plan in 1981. Presently, Ann Summers does well to help empower women, and is ultimately positive in terms of female sexulity representation and discussion. When Jacqueline Gold was appointed CEO in 1993, she was a key figure in turning the company s reputation around to focus on women and what they want. As constructive as this is, there are problems to the company’s marketing, specifically when looking at the Ann Summers Party Plan. Their approach can be considered heteronormative as a result of their phallocentric homosocial atmosphere. When thinking about the social taboos around female sexuality, there are many reasons for people to believe
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Healthcare Administration Free Essays
Kudankulam will be anothet Uttarakhand with all these substandard technology. Stop this. Nobody on earth can give 100% safety to the local people. We will write a custom essay sample on Healthcare Administration or any similar topic only for you Order Now – Rev. Thomas Kocherry, Tamil Nadu , India The Need Today Is To Rid Our Minds Of The Influence Of Mullahs You have read or heard about Pakistan ‘s Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) recently deciding that DNA Tests may not be used as evidence in the absence of witness by four righteous adults; this apparen’t â€Å"ridiculous decision†angers most of you. However it is important to understand why traditional Muslims minds (like in case of CII) reach such absurd conclusions. This is because â€Å"Literalists†dominate Muslim thinking. They read Quran, Hadith and all scriptures in a literal word by word fashion; they translate Arabic words of 7th Century (when mankind didn’t know about circulation of blood or role of heart as a pump) to create legally binding commands in 21st Century (when heart transplant and travel to moon have become relics of past). In reality all Religions can only be understood as timeless principles to create a just society free of tyranny but Mullahs and all others under the influence of Mullahs interpret our religion to create situations of tyranny (Zulm, Injustice). Do you not see how they create sectarian disharmony and killings? How do you think they end up creating hatred against Shia or Sunni? What we need today is to rid our minds of the influence of Mullahs. When many of you get â€Å"stressed†and warn others not to talk of religion without fully understanding it. It is not â€Å"fear of God†it’s the psychological fear created by Mullahs, Allah is forgiving but Mullah is not. In the present day world no one can be an Aalam-e-Din without having a command of modern sciences (Biology, Physics and Chemistry even Finance etc) in addition to knowledge of Theology and History. Islam is a Code of Life for all times only because it has the elasticity to adjust with the changing times. – Moeed Pirzada, California AAPI And Its Young President Your cover story on AAPI’s Young Leadership and his vision for AAPI is very inspiring. Great to have such exceptionally great organizations and the many noble works they undertake. AAPI’s meteoric rise from a basement three decades ago to become one of today’s premier ethnic medical associations is a tribute to its past leaders, a network of hardworking committees, and a constituency of 100,000 physicians and medical residents. AAPI has become a force to reckon with. AAPI’s stellar role has come in for appreciation with the US political leaders and law makers. Hope, Dr. Shah is able to build on what he has inherited from its past presidents and take it to new levels of high achievements and great service to humanity. Rajiv Saxena, Illinois Historic Moment For Indian Americans As Srikant Srinivasan Confirmed US Judge Your report on India’s Chandigarh-born Srinivasan’s confirmation as the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, being unanimously approved by the US Senate with 97 voting in favor, is a historically prud moment for all Indian Americans. The 46-year-old has become the first South Asian to be appointed to the top American court amid speculation that he may one day be tapped for the Supreme Court. Justice Srinivasan has a distinguished and proven record of commitment to public service, and I look forward to his contributions to the bench. And he will offer a unique perspective and added diversity that is long overdue in our justice system. – Hemant Pancholi , North Carolina Well Written Editorial On Corruption Dear Ajay, I went through Asian Era and it is interesting to read and the quality is very good. In your editorial you have written well on world wide corruption with facts and figures. It is interesting to know different levels of corruption. Shijy Selvan Albert , Michigan JUL-AUG 2013 Durga Mandir New Jersey No Cash Offerings Appeal to Devotees Respected Devotees: Namaskar, With all the due respect I am making an humble appealâ€Å"Not to make any Cash Offerings at Durga Mandir†in Princeton , New Jersey . Please do visit Durga Mandir for all your ceremonial needs as usual. Under no circumstances this Appeal should be construed as boycott of the Temple . How to cite Healthcare Administration, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Intersexuality And Scripture Essay Example For Students
Intersexuality And Scripture Essay Intersexuality and ScriptureSally Gross As a brute physical phenomenon, the bodiliness of people like us who are born intersexed challenges cherished assumptions about sex and gender made by many people within Western society. A variety of social institutions, including the dominant canons of medical practice and conceptions, much of the domain of the law itself, and some of the religious teachings which have loomed so large in the history of the West, tend strongly to support the notion that sex and gender is a dichotomy, and that any given human being is either deterninately and unequivocally male or determinately and unequivocally female. Congenitally intersexed physicality gives the lie to this dichotomous model of sex and gender. It is scant wonder, therefore, that fundamentalist Christians, who could be expected strongly to support the dichotomy which looms so large in the idealised model of the family, should feel threatened by the phenomenon of intersexuality and should seek to find religious arguments against it. It is not uncommon for Christian fundamentalists, faced with intersexuality as a brute fact, to adduce scriptural grounds for the condemnation of avowed intersexuality, at least, as unnatural and as something which is at odds with the will of God as expressed in the order of creation. This theological condemnation of lived intersexual identities also finds expression in unconditional support for surgical interventions, as early as possible, aimed at making the unacceptably ambiguous bodies of intersexed infants and children conform to the dichotomous model, in which there is no room whatsoever for ambiguity. This apparently religiously-motivated endorsement of surgery is insensitive to the fact that in most cases surgery is not necessitated by any real threat to the life or health of the infant, so that it is purely cosmetic in character. It is also insensitive to the fact that such aesthetically-driven surgical interventions frequently give r ise to medical problems later in life, and can therefore be directly detrimental to the health of an otherwise flourishing intersexed person. Two Biblical proof-texts in particular tend to be cited as part of this rejection of intersexual identities and to show that intersexed bodies must be cut into conformity with the male/female dichotomy. The first of these texts is Genesis 1:27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. This is claimed to show that human beings are, by virtue of the divine ordering of creating itself, either male and not female or female and not male, and that nothing intermediate or ambiguous is sanctioned. The second of these proof-texts is Numbers 5:3 which, in connexion with those who contract particular ritual defilements, commands that you shall put out both male and female. Those who brandish this verse note that both male and female means everyone, and that this implies that there can be n o-one who is not unambiguously male or unambiguously female. Both proof-texts, but particularly Genesis 1:27, are cited in defence of an absolute division between the sexes which will not tolerate anything in between. Let us therefore look at Genesis 1:27. I am not personally a Biblical literalist, and doubt that the two Biblical stories of creation (a priestly account, in Genesis 1:1 2:3, and what is called the Yahwists account, in Genesis 2:4 2:24) were even intended to be taken literally. For all that, it is interesting to note that Genesis 1:27, the proof-text for Biblical literalists who wish to argue that hermaphroditism is somehow unnatural or unscriptural, is perhaps more herm-friendly than many Biblical literalists realise or than translations suggest; and there are early Jewish exegetical traditions which undermine its use as a scriptural rejection of intersex identity. Genesis 1:27 and Numbers 5:3 (which also has a section which the RSV translated as: both male and fema le, used as synonymous with everyone) have sometimes been thrown at me in order to argue that God created all human beings determinately male or determinately female with nothing in-between. It has been used, in my experience, to argue that a person like me does not satisfy the Biblical criterion of humanity, from which it was inferred that I am unbaptisable and could therefore not have been baptised validly. The use of either of these passages in this way is in fact odd and indeed rather comical, for there is a Rabbinical gloss on Genesis 1:27 which suggests that Adam, at least, most certainly did not have a clear and unequivocal gender identity, and indeed that Adam was an hermaphrodite. The verse states, in the language of its revelation: va-yivra elohim et ha-adam be-tzalmo, be-tzelem elohim bara oto, zakhar u-neqevah bara otam, and God created the man in his image, in the image of God he created him , male and female he created them . The shift from oto (singular) to otam (plur al) with reference to ha-adam (the man) is odd, and attracted attention. It is against this background that the following tradition is found: Rabbi Yirmiyah ben Elazar said: When the Holy One Blessed be He created the primal man , he created him an androgyne, and it is therefore said: male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27). (Bere*censored* Rabbah, 8). This is an anecdotal gloss, of course, but it responds to the undeniable oddness of the grammatical shift from singular to plural in the Hebrew. The very fact that the language of the verse gave rise to this gloss in a context which paid careful attention to the fine detail of the text is surely telling. It does suggest that to use the verse in support of a razor-sharp division of humankind between male and female is perhaps misguided. What, then, of Numbers 5:3? The phrase which tends translated as male and female, and which is taken to imply that the division between male and female is an all-inclusive dichotomy rather than a continuum, reads mi-zakhar ve-ad neqevah, from male to female, in the original Hebrew. The form from A to B suggests a continuum of some sort precisely the kind of continuum which Colson alleges to be unscriptural. The form itself allows for the logical possibility that there are in-betweens. Again, examination of the Hebrew reveals that it is not the best verse to wrest out of context if one wants a proof-text to prove that physical intersexuality is an offence against the divine order of creation. On the subject of Rabbinical traditions about intersexuality, Tractate Yevamot in the Babylonian Talmud (leaf 64a) contains a tradition to the effect that Abraham and Sarah were intersexed. It states: Abraham and Sarah were tumtum, as it is said: Look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were digged (Isaiah 51:1) and it is written: Look to Abraham your father and to Sarah who bore you (Isaiah 51:2). Rabbi Nahman said in the name of Rabbah bar Abuha: Sarah our mother was an aylonith, as it is said: Now Sarai was barren; she had no child (Genesis 11:30) she did not even have a womb. The terms tumtum and aylonith are intersex categories. A tumtum is one physical sex is indeterminable because there are apparently no genitalia, although determinate natal sex can sometimes (but only sometimes) be revealed by means of the surgical removal of an occlusion. An aylonith is a woman without a womb clearly someone who might suffer from complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. (The Talmudic Rabbis were observant and shrewd, and seldom missed a trick. It is therefore not surprising that there are Talmudic references to other intersex conditions. A modern commentator speculates that one type of such Talmudic descriptions refers to Klinefelters Syndrome. Needless to say, they had not the foggiest idea about the genetic underpinnings, but certainly recognised that there were people of ambiguous gender.) The assertion that both of them were tu mtum on the basis of Isaiah 51:1 and 52:2 is apparently obscure, but the logic is something like this: Verse 52, suggests that Israel owes its existence to the intervention of God, who hewed Israel out from a metaphorical rock, and dug Israel out of a metaphorical quarry. The reference to the rock and to the quarry in 51:1 clearly stand in apposition to the references to Abraham and to Sarah in 51:2. Abraham is therefore to be identified with the rock, and Sarah with the quarry. This raises a question, however: why should God be said to have intervened, and why was the intervention compared to the hewing of something out of a rock (a stone cube, for example, does not emerge spontaneously from a piece of granite, and the nature of the rock has to be overcome in the hewing) or to digging something out of a quarry (where again, the nature of the rock of the quarry has to be overcome in the digging)? Hewing and digging are actions which involve substantial effort. The suggestion seems t o be that the birth of Isaac somehow required that God miraculously overcome the natures of Abraham and Sarah in a way which went far beyond the impediment constituted by their advanced age. The gloss therefore reads into this a hint that Abraham and Sarah were congenitally incapable of procreation by nature: this is why one gloss states that they were tumtum, and the second gloss in the passage holds that Sarah was affected by complete androgen insensitivity syndrome or by some other intersex condition. These two glosses about Abraham and Sarah, like many Rabbinical exegetical glosses of an anecdotal rather than of a legal character, are a trifle far-fetched and quaint. I have mentioned them simply as a curiosity. The main point which I wanted to make, however, is that there is a syntactic ambiguity in Genesis 1:27 which led Jewish commentators to suggest that our species was originally created androgynous. The syntactic ambiguity and this particular Rabbinical gloss were later sei zed upon by some of the philosophers of the Rennaisance, who viewed hermaphroditism as a mark of a wholeness which was subsequently lost. Thus, far from being the result of sin, the original hermaphroditism of our species on these accounts was viewed as a mark of the perfection which was subsequently lost, perhaps in consequence of sin. There is also a gloss on Genesis 1:27 attributed to a Rabbi Shmuel bar Nahman, also in the Midrash Bere*censored* Rabbah 8, which suggests on the basis of the syntactic ambiguity that the primal Adam was created Janus-faced presumably male on one side and female on the other and that the two halves were subsequently severed. The story of the formation of Eve from Adams rib does not tell against this, because the word tselah, translated here as rib, is used elsewhere to refer to a section, wing (as in the west wing of the building) or half of a stucture. It should be noted that the construal of these verses depends on the literal sense of the verses : they draw upon the language. The gloss about the original hermaphroditism of the primal Adam suggests, on a literalist construal, that it is a grave sin against revelation to view hermaphroditism as unnatural or as the consequence of Adams sin, for, as the gloss suggests, hermaphroditism predated Adams sin. It would seem to follow that, if one is wedded to Biblical literalism, it is the birth of people who are not hermaphrodites which might be the consequence of Adams sin. Hermaphroditism should perhaps be seen as a reminder of the situation before sin entered into things and messed things up. Many scriptural fundamentalists read scripture very selectively, treating as infallible translations and inadvertently belittling the actual text in the language of divine revelation, and ignoring untoward implications of particular passages. It might also be noted that Biblical literalists should also be very suspicious indeed of genital surgery performed on intersexed infants when no intri nsic risk to life and physical health is entailed by such surgery. This, too, is on scriptural grounds. The removal of gonads and such surgery is explicitly forbidden (see Deuteronomy 23:1, for example), at least where there is no intrinsic risk to life. The burden of scripture is in fact such that those who take its exhortations seriously should positively welcome the notion of a spectrum which includes people who are intersexed. Such people are indeed bound by Scripture to respect the sense many people who are intersexed have that violence was done to them in infancy by surgery, and to accept that it is right and proper that we be able to remain physically as we are and to identify as intersexed. Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands Essay
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