Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Stopped voyages and the Stopped Social Improving Essay
The Stopped voyages and the Stopped Social Improving - Essay Example Apparently, the initiation of the voyages marked a great Chinese historical period in cultural exchanges and trade. The number of ships in each fleet that Zheng led to the Western Sea had about 40 to 60 ships and over 27,000 people. In each envoy, Zheng acted as the business representative and herald of the Ming court. The voyages navigated through various countries where Zheng stopped and presented gifts to the rulers as a perfect way of enhacing cooperation and relationships. Unfortunately, in 1424, Yongle Emperor who was the sponsor of the expensive voyages was murdered in a skirmish touching the Mongols. Zheng could hardly undertake any other voyages, and set out for his last voyage in 1429 before the Hongxi Emperor who succeeded Yongle Emperor banned the voyages in 1433 on the grounds that they were a misappropriation of resources and money. While the emperor did this to circumvent China from external influence, it limited china’s development by cutting trade with the outside world, and advanced Europeans could easily target China (Jessie, 2). It is evident that Chinese voyages had cr eated great contribution to the Chinese culture and Economy and the decision of stopping more voyages was undeniably wrong. The Chinese society could have been improved much better if Hongxi Emperor did not stop the voyages. The voyages greatly contributed to growth of trade between China and the outside world as well as spreading Chinese culture to the outside world, factors that contributed to the growth of China. In the ships, there was a myriad of special Chinese products that were meant for the foreign countries such as India and coast of Africa. These included skein, newly established celadon, enamelware, gauze, and brocade. Noteworthy, during the Tang Dynasty, people in China had already understood the technology of making glass to be heat resistant through addition of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Comic Strip Lesson Plan Essay Example for Free
Comic Strip Lesson Plan Essay In this lesson the students will discuss memories in front of the class that they enjoy remembering; along with their speech they will present their interpretation of the memory through art. It will also help with their public speaking skills. Objectives: * I want the students to learn how to give a short presentation in front of the classroom. Materials and Technologies (Teacher and student): Teacher notes for lessons. Students will need comic strip sheets, color pencils, crayons, and markers. Preparation of the room: I will put the needed comic strip paper on each students desk. If the students have any of their own crayon, color pencils, or markers they will have them on their desk. All of the classroom crayon, color pencils, or markers on a small table in front center of the classroom, along with extra comic strip paper. Artist (s): Roy Lichtenstein; comic strip type art Maya Lin; demonstration of longstanding memories in art work. Artmaking medium: color pencils, crayons, and markers. (Not all must be used on project if not desired by student.) Instruction (Activities and Procedures): Be very specific!!! Opening: â€Å" Today we will be discussing memories that are special to each of us. We will also be presenting our memories to the class through a short speech, and a comic strip drawing.†Attention Grabber (Anticipatory set): For an attention grabber I as the teacher would present my own comic strip, and present a fond memory of my own. This memory would be one that is possibly embarrassing or funny so I could loosen the class up about presenting their own memories. Tap into prior knowledge: I can ask if any of them have ever had to speak in front of a crowd. How did they feel? Did they enjoy? Or if they didn’t, why? Introduction of artist: For Roy Lichtenstein I will tell about his part in Pop Art. I will show them â€Å"Masterpiece†It shows how the comic strips were drawn, and they should resemble there own. I will also show Maya Lin, and her Vietnam Memorial. This shows how the memory of someone or an event is not forgotten if there is art to remember it with. Art making activity: The student will have a 4-6 panels strips of paper. On the strip they will draw there recollection of a particular memory. They will do this with color pencils, crayons, and markers. If less or more panels are needed the adductions will be made. Closure: We will end the lesson with each student presenting their comic with a short presentation. Interdisciplinary connections: This lesson will connect with writing/spelling, because the student will have to have some dialogue/description on the comic. It will also connect with reading, because they will have to read the comic in front of the class as part of their presentation. Accommodating individual differences: To meet the needs of all students, I will make sure that all needed materials are readily available and easily assessable. Feedback: How and what manner will you provide feedback to students. I will give feedback on a comment sheet. On this sheet I will give marks for the students spelling on comic strip, the presentation, and on the drawing themselves.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis of Economic Factors in a Business
Analysis of Economic Factors in a Business Profit Sharing, Revenue Sharing, Piece Rate, Time Clocks and Spot Checks Submitted by Group 6:- Neethi Nair-14020541031 Neha Paswan-14020541032 Nilesh Tayade-14020541033 Nishant Thool-14020541034 Nishith Mohanty-14020541035 Nitish Vats – 14020541036 Akanksha Chaudhary 14020541065 Profit Sharing:- Profit sharing are the commission plans to introduced by business firms that provides direct or indirect wages to the employees that is dependent on the company’s profit earned, in addition to the employee’s regular salary and bonuses. In public companies, these are the profitability assigned to the employee as the equity shares. Profit sharing plans are generally based upon the predetermined economic sharing regulations that define how much should be split between the company as a principal and the employee as an agent. The manager can use this to enhance workers’ efforts making the workers’ compensation dependent on the underlying profitability of the firm. Offering workers compensation that is tied to underlying profitability provides an incentive for workers to put forth more effort. The company can also earn profit from this, by sharing the profit with the employees’ retirement benefit account, which will be non-taxable for the company. Profit sharing is a type of variable pay, which is dependent on the profit gained by the company. Wells Fargo Company is an American multinational banking and financial services holding company which is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with hub-quarters throughout the country. It is the fourth largest bank in the U.S. by assets and the largest bank by market capitalization. Its profit sharing is as follows:- ( For companies, size really doesn’t matter to offer profit sharing. Employee eligibility is set while joining. Employer: Up to 25% of compensation or $52,000 in 2014. Profit sharing plans allow the company to vary every year according to the profit. The contributions are deducted from the taxable income. The withdrawn contribution and earnings are taxed as ordinary income. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds and Advisory Products available through a Wells Fargo Advisors brokerage account. There will be a 10% IRS early withdrawal penalty if the profit is withdrawn before age 59 ½ unless valid exception. Exceptions: Normal retirement age Separation of service after five years and reaching age 55 Death Disability Substantial equal periodic payments over life expectancy Qualified military reservist Required withdrawals must begin at age 70 ½ Deadline to set up and Fund Must be established by the last day of the business’ fiscal year Contributions may be made up through the business tax filing date (plus extensions) REVENUE SHARING : Revenue sharing is a business arrangement that makes it possible for two or more parties to share in the profits and losses realized by a business operation. The exact structure of the revenue sharing strategy varies based on governmental regulations that are applied in the jurisdiction in which the business is located, and the terms and provisions found in the contract that establishes the working relationship between the concerned parties. This approach may be used to compensate employees of the firm above and beyond the usual salary or wages, or be used to provide compensation to affiliate partners in an online business venture. Within a business setting, revenue sharing may take place as part of a limited partnership arrangement. Here, the partners agree to share in the profits and losses sustained by the operation, with specific provisions on how those profits and losses are shared each accounting period. Essentially, the general partner has the responsibility of reporting the l evel of profit or loss incurred to the limited partners, then compensating them according to the terms found in the partnership agreement. USER ROLES: Managers will setup available business models and parts of them are the revenue share model Service provider will setup revenue share model associated to Applications and services, and they have to be loaded in the Revenue Settlement Sharing System Developers have to know about the revenues of their applications and services Involved service/applications providers have to know about the revenues of their applications and services The following figure shows a conceptual architecture of a system for settling and sharing revenues. There are a number of different sources of revenues for a given service that will be integrated and processed according to the business model of each service and the revenue sharing policies specified for each partner. The final revenues balance will be transferred to a payment broker to deliver the payments to each provider/developer Infinite Risk/Reward Revenue-Sharing model Case Study: Raising the Bar in Smart Pricing Smart Pricing has received a lot of attention in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry over the last 12 months. IT service providers are touting it as a key differentiator in a very competitive post-crisis environment, and organizations are demanding for more risk/reward and usage-based pricing so that their ICT partners have more accountability in each engagement and these ICT engagements are more aligned to business priorities. International Data Corporation (IDC) is predicting that Smart Pricing will account for close to 50% of all ICT services transactions by 2015. Infinite, an Indian IT services and software provider, has been one of the most aggressive services providers in this game changing market dynamic whereby approximately 30% of its total revenue is derived from risk/reward pricing models. Its intellectual property–based revenue sharing model is certainly setting the pace in the industry where many ICT service providers are still struggling to co me up with the right formula. Infinite is not only setting the pace in Smart Pricing models in the ICT industry, it has clearly raised the bar for the rest of the field. Organization Overview: Infinite Computer Solutions is an India-headquartered global services provider of infrastructure management services, intellectual property (IP)-leveraged solutions, and IT services. The company focuses on the telecom, media, technology, manufacturing, power, and healthcare industries. Presently, telecom is its principal vertical and this includes telecom service providers as well as networking equipment vendors. Its services portfolios span application management outsourcing, packaged application services, independent validation and verification, product development and support, and higher value-added offerings including managed platform and product engineering services. It currently has 3,668 employees and has a global footprint of 16 offices across the globe including Singapore, the U.S., the U.K., India, Malaysia, and China. RD sites are concentrated in Indian cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Gurgaon. The company is listed on the NSE and BSE and its FY10 revenue was approximately US$140 million. Infinite has a healthy mix of customers from the list of Fortune 100 companies including IBM, Alcatel Lucent, and Motorola across several verticals, but its strengths continue to be in the telecom and healthcare sectors. Challenges Solutions : Mature products are targets: Currently, Infinite works with organizations, examines their or their clients product portfolios, and identifies products or solutions that are mature and have a significant installed base. The products continue to be essential to many buyers, have a proven revenue generating record, and can be better streamlined via an off shoring model to India. The upside potential must be significant: Infinite will have to execute careful due diligence before actually making any large-scale investment. One of the guiding principles is that the product or solution must be able to deliver 20%–50% growth over the next few years with further investments. Risk/reward pricing models vary: Infinite has made significant progress in raising the share of its revenue that is derived from risk/reward pricing models. It currently stands at close to 30%, one of the highest if not the highest in the industry. Revenue derived or splits between Infinite and client varies from deal to deal but it is dependent on several factors. For every There are usually three sets of revenue streams to drive growth. Additional new sales of the product, services revenue, and annual maintenance are the three sets of revenue streams to drive growth. The combination of these three must be able to deliver an upside that ranges 25%–50% of growth. The proportion of revenue that is attributed to the customer will generally be lower if the revenue upside potential is less, accounting for new investments that could refresh the product. How much to invest in the new product? : Infinite would also need to do its due diligence as to what and how much investment it needs to put into these products to generate the type of growth that it is looking for. Aware that some of these products have great fluctuations in revenue, which may be difficult to forecast, the company has to factor this into its planning. Results: According to IDC this unique engagement model and smart pricing will eventually define the ICT industry over the next few years. Clearly one of the trendsetters, Infinite is setting an excited pace in Smart Pricing that many of its competitors will have to play catch-up. Infinites unique smart pricing model has achieved sustainable returns. In todays economic environment, organizations are looking for flexibility and agility; and as a result of this relationship, many of its existing clients are now able to realign their resources by channeling them into strategic areas of growth. Increase in the value of offerings as RD investment in core products as well as additional Infinite capital ploughed in will have the overall impact of enhancing the total solution or product portfolio. The company posts 20%–50% revenue growth, usually depending on a number of factors including how speculative the product or solution is. Infinite is clearly on a growth trajectory and thus, its IP-based risk/reward model has found a warm reception among some organizations. Piece-rate pay:- Piece-rate pay gives a payment for each item produced and is therefore the easiest way for a business to ensure that employees are paid for the amount of work they do. Piece-rate pay is also sometimes referred to as a â€Å"payment by results system†, â€Å"piece work†or â€Å"performance related pay†. The oldest type of performance pay, piece rate is when an employee is paid a fixed rate for each unit of production. In other words, he or she is paid by results. For example, a factory worker may be paid per item he or she makes on a production line. In the United Kingdom and in various other countries with minimum wage laws, pay rate must be used in unification with minimum wage laws for employees. For example, an employee who works at a $0.1 per-piece rate and completes 70 pieces in an hour would not receive $7.00 but would receive his state’s minimum wage, which might be, for example, $7.25 an hour. However if he is able to work fast enough to complete 90 pieces in an hour he can earn $9.00 per hour. So, per-piece rate pay can act as an incentive for employees. Incentive contracts such as piece rates and profit sharing are designed to solve principal–agent problems when effort is not observable. The benefits of the piece rate system is that it motivates employees financially to complete as much work as they can, and consequently they can increase their monetary reward by maximizing their output. A potential problem with paying workers based on a piece rate is that effort must be expended in quality control; otherwise, workers may attempt to produce quantity at the expense of quality. Therefore, piece-rate pay encourages effort, but, it is reasoned, often at the expense of quality. From the employee’s perspective, there can be certain problems which might affect the production and eventually affect their pay. The problems which can possibly hamper the production may include breakdown of the production machinery or delay in the delivery of the raw materials which slows down the production. These factors are outside of the employee’s control – but could potentially affect their pay. The solution to these problems is that piece-rate pay systems tend, to have two elements: A basic pay element which is a fixed time- based element An output-related element- Generally the piece-rate element is only elicited by the business exceeding a target output in a specific defined period of time Piece-rate systems are broadly classified into three categories: i. Straight Piece-rate ii. Piece-rate with Guaranteed time rates iii. Differential Piece-rates Straight Piece-rate method payment is made on the basis of affixed amount per units produced without regard to the time taken. Thus the earnings could be calculated as follows: Earnings= Number of units x rate per unit. The fixations of piece rate generally depend upon: The comparable time rate for the same class of workers The expected output in given time In Guaranteed time rates system payment is at time rates but adjusted to the cost of living. The employer balances the high labor cost by increasing the price of the products. The merit awards for skills, personal qualities, ability, punctuality etc. are also considered in this system. Differential Piece-rate system is a wage plan based on a standard task time wherein the worker receives increased or decreased piece rates as his production varies from that expected for the standard time. This is also known as an accelerating incentive. Comparison of three price rate systems Wages during Differential Piece rate Period Straight Piece rate Guaranteed Base wage Straight piece rate with minimum guaranteed wage Standard output Output in pieces produced Time clocks and spot checks :- Few methods of encouraging workers to put forth their best efforts are piecework, time clocks, and spot checks. Time clock is relatively simple and inexpensive technique to introduce into a place of business; however the flaws in it is that the information received from time clock is relatively useless in determining employee’s working habits. A time clock can only inform a manager of how long an employee spends in the workplace, but not how much time the employee is actually spending working i.e. how efficiently is he working. There could be a possibility that the employee is simply socializing most of the day or just doing the irrelevant tasks and the time clock would make no determination between employee with such behavior and the employee who works diligently throughout the workday. So, we can say that Time clocks don’t monitor efforts made by the employee; rather, simply measures his presence at the workplace from beginning to the end of workday. Thus it acts as an inferior method to monitor manager-worker problems. A more efficient method than Time clock that not just measures the time spent by employee at workplace ,but also measures his/her performance, is spot check. In this case the manager gives time to time visit at workplace to monitor its employees. The objective of these spot checks and inspections is to counter irregularities committed against the Community budget. The spot checks may concern, in particular Business books and documents such as invoices, pay slips, bank statements, lists of terms and conditions, statements of materials used and work done, and Computer data Packaging, Production and dispatching systems and methods Physical checks as to the nature and quantity of goods or completed operations The collection and checking of samples The progress of works and investments for which financing has been provided, and the how it has been used Accounting and budgetary documents The technical and financial implementation of subsidized projects The advantages of spot checks are as follows: It reduces the cost of monitoring workers The managers need not to be available at different places at same time It also increases employee efficiency. With workers not knowing if the manager will show up or not, they put more effort at work, as suddenly getting caught â€Å"goofing off†may lead to dismissal or a reduction in pay As everything has its pros and cons, same is the case with Spot checking. Some of disadvantages of spot checks are as follows: Frequent spot checks, however, are costly and reduce the firm’s profitability Spot checks work, in effect, through threat These can have negative impact on employees moral; he/she can’t work freely at workplace due to threat of being watched every moment.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Mexicans in the United States Essay example -- Culture Mexico Mexican
Mexicans in the United States Introduction â€Å"We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community and this nation.†These words of the Chicano civil rights leader Cesar Chavez have resonated into the present vision of Mexican culture in America. Mexicans in the United States have created a vibrant culture that has crossed over to influence other cultures. The reality is that Mexicans have played an integral role in shaping the current state of America, and through the power in numbers as well as the continued blending of cultures Mexicans will influence the future of the United States. History Mexicans were in American territory long before America was even founded. The current border ties back to the end of the U.S.-Mexico War (1846-1848). At the end of the war American troops invaded Mexico’s capital and resulted in the coerced signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The treaty forced Mexico to give up almost half its territory. Most importantly, it initiated anti-Mexican sentiment that led to violations of civil rights. â€Å"In Texas, Mexicans were restricted from voting. In New Mexico, Mexicans were the victims of violence, while in California laws against them were passed, some of which were known as the Greaser Laws†(â€Å"The Border†). In the early twentieth century, political and economic instability was caused in Mexico by the advent of the Mexican revolution. Many natives who feared the war fled the nation to the United States for refuge. â€Å"More than 890,000 legal Mexican immigrants came to the United States for refuge between 1910 and 1920. The Revolution had created a state of turmoil to the south, ... ...ce of Mexicans will continue to grow. With these numbers, power will follow. Mexicans are leading the Cultural Revolution that Americans are currently experiencing. America will have a new face influenced by the indigenous blood of Mexico. "There's no turning back...We will win. We are winning because ours is a revolution of mind and heart." – Cesar Chavez Works Cited Ramos, Jorge. The Other Face of America. 2002. Harper Collins: New York. Mailman, Stanley. <>. March 7, 2004. â€Å"The Border.†<>. March 3, 2004. â€Å"Day of the Dead.†<>. March 1, 2004. â€Å"Quinceaà ±eras.†<>. March 1, 2004. â€Å"Census.†<>. March 2, 2004.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay
Shelley wanted the audience in this scene to feel greater sympathy for the monster as he is turned away yet again by mankind because he is simply judged too quickly because of his appearance. Branagh remains true to Shelley’s intentions in this scene by making the monster appear heartbroken. Cries echo through the forest, he runs with a limp through the forest away from the house and collapses on the ground as soon as he thinks he is out of sight from the family. These things were very good for building up sympathy for the monster. This scene is also where we see the monster beginning to change. He goes back to the house and sees that the family have fled their home, this makes the monster so angry and upset that he sets fire to the cottage and swears that he will have revenge on the man who made him, so he reads the journal left in his jacket and goes to Geneva to get his revenge on Frankenstein. Branagh made this part of his film very dramatic by using very fast powerful music against the roaring of flames and black smoke that engulfed the cottage and the monster stood in front of the cottage looking fiercely at the flames with a look of anger in his eyes. This is good because it shows that the emotions and feelings which the monster has been hiding are all being forced out of him because he is determined to find answers to all the questions he has about his life and this is exactly how Shelley intended this scene to look as the monster suddenly realises his purpose of life is an experiment. When the monster kills William and sets up Justine Branagh managed to plan this very well because Shelley wanted the monster to kill the little brother and also be able to plant it on Justine without losing sympathy from the audience for the monster and Branagh is able to do this by not actually showing the monster killing William. In the next scene the monster and Frankenstein meet in the mountains, the monster has his chance to get his answers from the man who made him. The monster comes across as being very certain of his knowledge and his feelings. This appears to scare Frankenstein because he doesn’t actually know why he did something so evil and didn’t realise the greatness of the pain he had caused. Shelley wanted this conversation between the monster and Frankenstein to make the audience judge the monster as the ‘good guy’ and Frankenstein as the ‘bad guy. ‘ Branagh does this by making the monster talk and ask a lot more questions than Frankenstein. Frankenstein has a look of shock on his face throughout the conversation but the monster looks very certain and meaningful of everything he says to Victor, again making the monster seem superior to Frankenstein. Shelley wanted the audience to feel that the monster only did certain evil things because he was given emotions and senses but not shown how to use them and Branagh fits that into the film by the monster asking Victor Why he made him and brought him into the world to live and so very quickly and then left him to die. Shelley believed that no child should be bought into the world without being loved by parents; Branagh shows this belief of Shelley’s by building up a father and son relationship and shows the father-like character abandoning an innocent child-like character. The monster asks one thing of Frankenstein and that is to have a bride that will look as ‘ugly’ as him so that she would accept him for whom he is and vows that they will never be seen again. This again shows the maturity and sense of the monster. Frankenstein grants him this and promises he will have his bride. Frankenstein doesn’t keep his promise and returns home to marry his bride and travel away with armed men on their wedding night so they will have protection if the monster does come to kill them which he promised he would if he did not get his bride. It is a dark and stormy night and raining very heavily which makes it very hard to see through the dark night, Frankenstein goes outside because he thinks he hears the monsters pipe playing and leaves Elizabeth on her own, quiet slow music start to play but it starts to get faster and louder which says to the viewer that the monster is close by, which he is because he climbs through the window and punches Elizabeth in the chest and pulls her heart out, spraying blood everywhere making a very gruesome sound and very nasty to look at. Frankenstein refuses to accept the death of his new bride so he takes her back to his laboratory and starts cutting up Justine’s body and stitching parts of her and Elizabeth together and revives her so once again we see all the gory bits of limbs being cut up and sewn together, as Elizabeth awakens she realises what Victor has done to her as the monster comes into the laboratory and mistakes her for his bride which victor had promised her, she becomes so angry and upset with the fact that she has been part of Victor ‘playing God’ she sets herself on fire and runs through the house alighting everything. This scene is again highly over exaggerated, as it is very gory and horrifically unnecessary to the viewer. As Walton and his crew come to burn Frankenstein’s body the monster emerges from the distance and is offered by Walton to come with them, this being his first offering of acceptance to mankind, the monster says â€Å"he was my father†and decides to set himself alight upon Frankenstein’s body so that they burnt together. I think Branagh managed to remain true to most of Shelley’s intentions of ‘Frankenstein’ by portraying the monsters character as a very innocent, childlike character linking it all in very well with Shelley’s beliefs she had before and whilst writing ‘Frankenstein’. Branagh definitely pandered to the accepted stereotype of the horror genre by showing a lot of close-ups of quite disturbing images and very horrific noises that went with the images that a book can’t do. Branagh also used a very wide range of music that managed to fit into all the horrific parts of his film very well. Charlotte Tufnell 10M Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Discrimination And The Death Penalty Essays - Capital Punishment
Discrimination And The Death Penalty Essays - Capital Punishment Discrimination And The Death Penalty Discrimination and the Death Penalty By Katie Matthews Twenty years have past since this court declared that the death penalty must be imposed fairly, and with reasonable consistency, or not at all, and, despite the effort of the states and courts to devise legal formulas and procedural rules to meet this daunting challenge, the death penalty remains fraught with arbitrariness, discrimination, caprice and mistake. Justice Harry Blackmun, Feb. 22, 1994. Capital punishment is one of the most debatable subjects, in American society. Proponents of the death penalty believe it is justiceretribution for the crimes committed. The reason underlining Americans' overwhelming support of executions is usually revenge. We believe that most serious crimes deserve the most serious punishment, as we recall the statement from the Old Testament, An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, principle. When we hear about a murderer, rarely do we want to understand what drove him to murder; more often, we wish to kill him. It is difficult to understand that the vengefulness we feel toward a murderer, which drives us to champion execution, is identical to the wish for revenge the murderer feels for what he believes to be the horrendous injustices in his life. Our desire to tame the heart of the murderer is quite limited. We feel as murderous toward them as they do toward those they have killed. We wish either to kill or torture them. This makes a murderer, if he is imprisoned, even more murderous. Just as the murderer's murder accomplishes nothing, so too the death penalty has not in any way decreased murder. The judicial system was created in hopes of providing justice for all people. Although movements such as Civil Rights and Black Power have taken place to ensure justice for all, discrimination still exists in our judicial system. Capital Punishment is applied in an unfair, arbitrary and discriminatory manner. As long as it remains a part of our penal system, it will be used disproportionately against the poor, racial minorities, and those who had received inadequate legal representation. The following essay will cover how racism is applied in the death penalty; the means of discretion that the judges and jury use; and how the poor are discriminated against due to their lack of proper council. Even under the most sophisticated death penalty statutes, race continues to play a major role in determining who shall live and who shall die. Justice Harry Blackmun Throughout American history, the death penalty has fallen disproportionately on racial minorities. From 1930, the first year for which statistics are readily available from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, to 1967, 3,859 persons were executed under civil jurisdiction in the United States. During this period of nearly half a century, over half (54%) of those executed were black, 45 percent were white, and the remaining one percent were members of other racial groups (see fig. 1). Between 1930 and 1976 nearly 90% of those executed for the crime of rape in this country were African-Americans . Between 1930 and 1996, 4220 prisoners were executed in the U.S.; more than half (53%) were black . Currently, about 50% of those on the nations death rows are from minority populations representing 20% of the country's population. In 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned existing death penalty statutes in part because of the danger that those being selected to die were chosen out of racial prejudice. Legislatures adopted the death sentencing procedures that were supposed to eliminate the influence of race from the death sentencing process. That was one of the grounds on which the Supreme Court ruled the death penalty unconstitutional in Furman. However, evidence of racial discrimination in the application of capital punishment continues. Nearly 40% of those executed since 1976 have been black, although blacks constitute only 12% of the population. And in almost every de ath penalty case, the race of the victims is white (see fig. 2). Last year alone, 89% of the death sentences carried out involved white victims, even though 50% of the homicides in America have been black victims . Of all the executions that have occurred since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, only one has involved a white
Monday, October 21, 2019
Cult Films Essays
Cult Films Essays Cult Films Paper Cult Films Paper Essay Topic: Apocalypse Now Pulp Fiction Eccentric, offbeat, weird, unique and catering to esoteric tastes of a particularly small group and number of individuals, cult movies or cult films are the exact opposite of the blockbuster, hollywood and hollywood-type mainstream feature films being screened in major movie houses today. Cult movies usually acquire a cult following, groups of individuals whose particular tastes and interests fall under the films wing. Classic cult films which come to mind are that of Stanley Kubricks controversial A Clockwork Orange (1971), Francis Ford Coppolas anti-Vietnam war movie Apocalypse Now (1979), Ridley Scotts loose interpretation of a Philip K. Dick novel, Blade Runner (1982), and the quintessential cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) by Jim Sharman. While cult films range from a variety of genres such as crime, suspense, science fiction, horror and so on, some cult films are deemed uncategorizable and exist in a genre which could only be labeled as such: cult. The cast of characters which appear in most cult films are barely known to the general viewing public. These are artists who are in the initial stages of their careers, others gaining a certain degree of fame and recognition from the said cult movie, and on few occasions, a select number of renowned actors and actresses gracing the part of often particularly quirky and outrageously and/or obscuredly sketched characters in an equally obscure and eccentric setting and environment. The most recent cult films of today range from the local independent, to foreign movies packaged for different countries, to even top grossing movies well received by the mainstream movie viewing populace but regarded as a cult movie because of its ability to garner a particular group of dedicated following, which it would seem is growing in numbers, an example of such a cult movie is George Lucas Star Wars. The cult movie of today has taken a different form, although catering to esoteric tastes, these movies have also garnered a significant amount of mainstream appeal. Such is the case with Quentin Tarantinos Kill Bill, received by a greater number of following subsequent to his first cult flick, Pulp Fiction, which seemed to have revolutionized and brought considerably significant amount of impact to the aspect of film making as it deals with aesthetic, style and content. The apparent trashy content and material which critics refer to in Tarantinos film approach reflects and probably sums up cult ideologies and what cult movies are generally about. The movie viewing populace of today is becoming less discriminate and blurring lines of that of the cult and mainstream movies, and viewing these films for what they are, a pastiche of shared beliefs, opinions, ideologies and meanings as interpreted by a director who subscribes to individuality and captured on over an hour or so of reel and screen time. It may or may not reflect the particular persuasions and leanings of the general populace and the rest of the masses, but as long as it applies to one individual, and an esoteric few, it makes every amount of difference. References â€Å"Cult Films. †Film Site. Org. Tim Dirks. (2007) Retrieved 12 December 2007 filmsite. org/cultfilms. html
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Flowers fo Algernon essays
Flowers fo Algernon essays This book was very confusing in the beggining.BeforeI read a book I usally skim Through it real fast.When I skimmed through this one,I saw a whole bunch of spellingerrors,and it didn't have a summary on the back of the bookto tell you what it's about. I soon learned it was about a retarded adult namedCharlie Gordon,writing to his doctor,Dr Stauss.Dr.Stauss is experimenting on him to make him be smarter.Charlie works at bakery,as a janitor.He thinks he has alot of freinds their,butthey really are just making fun of him.Charlie just doesn't know.He hopes to be smart some day,just like the other kids,so he doesn't hesitate for a moment to cooperatein a radical experiment to increase his intellegence. Algernon is a mouse that Charlie is amazed at the tasks he can perform.He is also very supersticious. As days go by,Charlie starts to make more and morecorrections in his writing.He also gets more mad at Algernon,because he keeps beating Charlie in all the tests.He later starts to notice how beatiful Alice Kinnian is.He can't get her off his mind.She likes May 20th,he got fired from his job,but the Welberg Foundation has begunpaying him a salary out of grant so he doesn't have to go looking for a job.His sister isn't very nice to him. His qoute,"Listen,the best of them have been smug and patronizing-using me to make themselves superior and secure in their own limitations.Anyone can feel intelligent besides a moron." October 5th was the day when Charlie snapped.He told Dr.Stauss he didn't want to take these tests anymore.He even ripped apart the white binder with alot of information.The tests made him so much smarter,now he's loosing it.He starts making more errors in his writing.He lost alot of his knowledge.Algernon died at the end of the story. ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Role of a Project Manager in All Atages of a New Computer Game Assignment
The Role of a Project Manager in All Atages of a New Computer Game Development Project - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that a project is a unique attempt at bringing a certain set of outcomes or items within well-specified parameters on time, costs and quality. Given this definition, a project is, therefore, a set of operations aimed at a certain goal. This set of operations can be considered to be a singular event with a distinct selection of activities that lead to a specific result. The planning, organization, coordination, and control of these activities are what is hence termed as project management. There are various kinds of projects that organizations and teams can undertake. The most common classification for business organizations places all projects under two categories; business process and information technology projects. Business process projects are intended to change or introduce a new business process into the organization with a little adjustment the information technology or systems in place while an information technology project may see k to overhaul the existing information technology and replace or upgrade it while still maintaining the structure of business operations that are already running. The ideal purpose of projects is to achieve a measurable goal. As such a project manager is put in charge of this role. He is thus responsible for planning the course of the project, organizing the various resources and activities across the project scope, directing the people who will be in charge of the activities and finally controlling the progress of the project towards its desired end result.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Unit Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Unit Journal - Essay Example Indeed, the economic integration through liberalization of trade and de-regulation by the states has redefined global economy in terms of inter-dependency of resources. Most importantly, it is designed towards more equitable distribution of resources vis-Ã -vis goods and human capital across the geographical boundaries. Role of non state actors is emphasized in conflict resolution, negotiation process and raising issues that influence common interests like international peace, environment and sustainable development, human rights, financial aid etc. The barriers in cooperation develop due to exigencies and political dichotomy within the states and nexus between goals of non state actors and international trade (Gourevitch, 2002). The external factors like socio-economic, political and environment have huge impact on trade. They create a nexus between the non state actors and issues that considerably impact civil society. Stiglitz (2007) says that interests of nations are compromised by the American hegemony in the international financial institutes like World Bank and IMF. NGOs mostly use social concerns to influence international trade policies and methods of operations. As such, major barrier to cooperation occurs when the wider interests of the society are threatened by the vested interests of the few like TNCs and international agencies and financial institutions which are influenced by powerful nations like America. (words: 302) Within the broader precinct of security, the national and international policies that address the factors which are threat to people and climate, have emerged as vital issues in international relations. Climate security is intrinsically linked to human security (ipcc, 2008). The limited natural resources like water, land and fresh air are being taken for granted with scarce regard for
Dental Asst Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Dental Asst - Research Paper Example ("NYSDA") Salary structure: Compensation amount differs from state to state as per the cost of living and other surrounding factors like year of experience, clinic location, etc. California dental assistant’s annual wage is $35,290, average $ 12.96 per hour and in New York $14.92 per hour. ("Dental Assistant") State board: For California, the state board is Dental board of California ("Dental board of California") while for New York, it is NYS education Department (NYS Edu). Dentist and dental assistants must be licensed by this board to practice in NY State. ("NYSED.GOV") Hygienist: Educational Requirements: To become a dental hygienist in California, the candidate has to undergo 4 or 6 years programme to get bachelor or masters degree respectively from Dental Hygienist College. The classes include Anatomy, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Nutrition, Physiology, Periodontology, Microbiology, Clinical dental hygiene, Sociology, laboratory and clinical training. To qualify for this deg ree, the candidate should have previous high school diploma and good score on college entrance test.
Outbreak of Aspergillus fumigatus Infection Case Study
Outbreak of Aspergillus fumigatus Infection - Case Study Example The first fatality was that of an 85-year-old female who had been admitted was admitted to the hospital in January 1995 for complications associated with chronic renal failure due to nephrosclerosis. Once the infection was discovered in her lungs, the patient's condition declined rapidly despite antibiotic regimen. A postmortem exam revealed Aspergillus hyphae in both sides of the lungs. The next fatality was that of a 49-year-old female suffering with Wegener granulomatosis who was admitted in February 1995 for cough and fever. Once the infection was discovered in her lungs, the patient's condition declined rapidly even though immunosuppressive treatments were reduced and antituberculotic therapy instituted. A postmortem exam revealed the Aspergillus infection had spread through the lungs to the heart and into the brain. The near-fatality was that of a 65-year-old male admitted in February 1995 with chronic renal failure due to renal vascular disease for severe malnutrition. The infection was never discovered in the patient's septum but his condition improved with liposomal amphotericin therapy. The patient achieved nearly complete regression in 10 weeks. The study shows certain strengths. The investigators admit the findings are inconclusive especially since they did not test air. They warn that hospital construction or renovation work near immunodepressed patients should alert physicians to the possible presence of A. fumigatus. Likewise, the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Organizational Communication and Conflict Resolution Essay
Organizational Communication and Conflict Resolution - Essay Example Under this new configuration, corporate communication is defined as "an instrument of management by means of which all consciously used forms of internal and external communication are harmonized as effectively and efficiently as possible to create a favorable basis for relationships with groups upon which the company is dependent (Van Riel, 1995)." This reflects a growing recognition by top management and corporate boardroom that the ability to succeed and rise above the competition depends upon the firm's capability to communicate effectively with its stakeholders, thus making corporate communication an absolute and integral part of top management functions. In line with this thinking, communication managers and departments are now assigned such loftier titles as corporate communications, public affairs or corporate affairs (Fombrum, 1996). It also gave rise to a new corporate communication vocabulary, which consists of words like stakeholders, identity and reputation, among others. Moreover, the work of corporate communication has widened in scope to take place at three dimensions: corporate, market and operational levels. This corporate work involves communicating the organization's mission and vision to its shareholders, employees, customers, etc., while the market-oriented activity explores and implement ways by which the company can compete best in a given market. At the operational level, the communication group is left to manage its own resources, processes and people, a function used to be done on its behalf by the finance department, the engineering section and the human resource department. Relationship to Management How corporate communication has wormed its way into the top rung of the corporate ladder may be seen at Siemens, whose productivity, profitability and corporate image continue to be the envy of its competitors. At Siemens, communication managers oversee a wide range of activities related to management and decision-making, including analysis and research, formulation of communication objectives for the entire organization, and counseling of senior management. The company maintains a corporate communication department that handles advertising, internal communication and media relations. In addition, there is a central corporate messages section that supervises the senior communication professionals responsible for developing and protecting the overall corporate image of Siemens, as well as copywriters for the speeches of senior managers. Such consolidation of communication activities in one or two departments is now commonplace in progressive companies, with the communication practitio ners having the ear of CEOs and senior executive teams, especially on stakeholder and reputation issues (Grunig & Grunig, 1998). The same importance is given to corporate communication by Philips, which keeps a large corporate communication department at its head office in Amsterdam that counsels the CEO and senior managers on
Warehousing and Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Warehousing and Inventory Management - Essay Example Raw materials, components, and finished goods are among the most common material one can find in a ware house. The history of warehousing can be traced back in the form of granaries that were supposed to store food. As the world came to know about sea routes and trading through sea routes that was the time warehouses found its first form. Port was the centre of warehouses followed by rail road stations. Among the very first organization was American Warehousemens Association, 1891, that was established to manage the warehouses and protect the rights of the one who give to store from rail road companies control over freight depots. War World true was the time when warehousing was groomed and new techniques and methods were implemented from efficiencies and design was modified as well for effectiveness. In the late twentieth century, warehouses was supposed to lose its importance among the industries because of many technological improvements, the IT hype and methods like Just In Time inventory system that don’t have essential place for the warehouses. But in21st century they are coming back with more than just storage facility. Warehouses are supposed to be 3rd party logistics in now days. 1. To store the seasonal products especially the agriculture commodities those are seasonal and were not available throughout the year. This was the need to have a proper storage in order to maintain and preserve the excess to use throughout the year. Management and monitoring of materials in warehouses can be done through software that came under the head of Warehouse Management System. (WMS) Today, there are warehouses that care completely automated and optimized in terms of effectiveness and efficiencies. There are automated warehouses without any labour and shift goods from a point to another through automated mobile shelves. In the fast pace world of today, the power of automation is hard to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Outbreak of Aspergillus fumigatus Infection Case Study
Outbreak of Aspergillus fumigatus Infection - Case Study Example The first fatality was that of an 85-year-old female who had been admitted was admitted to the hospital in January 1995 for complications associated with chronic renal failure due to nephrosclerosis. Once the infection was discovered in her lungs, the patient's condition declined rapidly despite antibiotic regimen. A postmortem exam revealed Aspergillus hyphae in both sides of the lungs. The next fatality was that of a 49-year-old female suffering with Wegener granulomatosis who was admitted in February 1995 for cough and fever. Once the infection was discovered in her lungs, the patient's condition declined rapidly even though immunosuppressive treatments were reduced and antituberculotic therapy instituted. A postmortem exam revealed the Aspergillus infection had spread through the lungs to the heart and into the brain. The near-fatality was that of a 65-year-old male admitted in February 1995 with chronic renal failure due to renal vascular disease for severe malnutrition. The infection was never discovered in the patient's septum but his condition improved with liposomal amphotericin therapy. The patient achieved nearly complete regression in 10 weeks. The study shows certain strengths. The investigators admit the findings are inconclusive especially since they did not test air. They warn that hospital construction or renovation work near immunodepressed patients should alert physicians to the possible presence of A. fumigatus. Likewise, the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Warehousing and Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Warehousing and Inventory Management - Essay Example Raw materials, components, and finished goods are among the most common material one can find in a ware house. The history of warehousing can be traced back in the form of granaries that were supposed to store food. As the world came to know about sea routes and trading through sea routes that was the time warehouses found its first form. Port was the centre of warehouses followed by rail road stations. Among the very first organization was American Warehousemens Association, 1891, that was established to manage the warehouses and protect the rights of the one who give to store from rail road companies control over freight depots. War World true was the time when warehousing was groomed and new techniques and methods were implemented from efficiencies and design was modified as well for effectiveness. In the late twentieth century, warehouses was supposed to lose its importance among the industries because of many technological improvements, the IT hype and methods like Just In Time inventory system that don’t have essential place for the warehouses. But in21st century they are coming back with more than just storage facility. Warehouses are supposed to be 3rd party logistics in now days. 1. To store the seasonal products especially the agriculture commodities those are seasonal and were not available throughout the year. This was the need to have a proper storage in order to maintain and preserve the excess to use throughout the year. Management and monitoring of materials in warehouses can be done through software that came under the head of Warehouse Management System. (WMS) Today, there are warehouses that care completely automated and optimized in terms of effectiveness and efficiencies. There are automated warehouses without any labour and shift goods from a point to another through automated mobile shelves. In the fast pace world of today, the power of automation is hard to
Hassans Story Essay Example for Free
Hassans Story Essay Quote: â€Å"The way we see the problem is the problem.†Stephen Covey This quote means to me that when dealing with a problem the first mistake made is calling the problem a â€Å"problem.†When a problem occurs an individual usually automatically begins to attempt to mentally process ways to solve the problem. Problem solving involves critical thinking, and with critical thinking comes a lot of stress. Stress from a problem can be avoided if an individual looked at the situation in a more positive way, rather than automatically thinking negatively. I feel this quote is relevant to the work we do in the class. In this class we focus a lot on one’s self. I believe that the way you think when no one is looking describes your character. For example, one may assume that they have not learned anything from the class, but one with and open-mind would be able to express information that has been learned in the class. Every â€Å"problem†should be approached with an open mind, because when everything has been completed â€Å"you†will still be â€Å"you.†And what that means is, is that life will continue to move forward rather you have conquered the problem or not. I chose this quotation because I felt that it is fitting for anything in life. In life you will always come across a new situation because life is always about change. When attempting to advance, I feel that is when the majority of change comes. You are always going to come across a personality, a strategy, or method that you are not going to like and will take you out of your comfort zone. What is important is that you realize that everything is temporary and too shall pass. Once you’ve figured out that there is no such thing as a â€Å"problem,†rather than it is a â€Å"change†you can deal accordingly because change is inevitable.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Food Safety Contamination Types and Causes
Food Safety Contamination Types and Causes Introduction Food safety refers to the guarantee that must be given to consumers that the food is safe for consumption. If this is not the case then the food is contaminated. Food can be contaminated in different ways. Some food may already contain bacteria or foreign body but on the other hand food may also be contaminated if it is not handled properly. Food contamination can be in different ways namely: Biological contamination Physical contamination Chemical contamination In order to prevent food contamination the food must be handled and store properly. This can be done by using and apply proper conditions and measures. In this report we’ll be seeing 3 cases of food contamination, the measures and solution that need to be taken in order to prevent them. Case study 1 Question 1: Analyze and discuss the type of contamination and provide examples. According to the information provided in case study one; it’s a case of physical contamination. Physical contamination can be any foreign body found in food. Foreign objects can include hair, plastics, wood or even jewelry. This case is a typical physical contamination due to foreign body found, that is the beetle’s wings (dark color fragments). The drugstore beetle lives in warmer and dry climate. It feeds on dry products such as dried herbs, cereal products, bread, etc. The factory is an excellent place for the beetle to live and feed. The beetle’s wings were identified by a light microscope and concluded that it’s the Biscuit beetle or the Drugstore beetle. The record of inspection also shows that the insects were present earlier in the premises of the industry. This means that there had not been an effective pest control and those insects were not eradicated. The phosphatase test shows that the insects were exposed to high temperature during the baking of the biscuits, this result shows two possibilities: The insects were already in the premises of the building and fell into the product during baking or, The raw products used to make the biscuits (such as flour, herbs for flavoring, etc.) already contain the insects and were used without examined properly. Concerning physical contamination, the contaminated food can contain any foreign object even condoms! August 2010, Philip Hodousek, a California man says he ordered a French soup and found a condom in it which he thought was melted cheese. He has settled a lawsuit against the restaurant: Claim Jumper. At first the restaurant denied that incident but after the condom was sent for a DNA test and revealed that the DNA present was neither for the plaintiff nor for his wife. According to City News Service, his lawyer rejected an offer of $30,000 because he was proved innocent and was accused of putting the condom in the soup to scam and to destroy the reputation of the restaurant. (Dennis Romero 2010) By an early morning, walking alone in a subway you can get stabbed by a 7 inch knife but now the problem is you can get stabbed by eating one! According to CBS News, John Agnesini, 27 years old, found a 7-inch knife while eating his sandwich that he bought at a subway in New York. Luckily he noticed it at time and hasn’t got any physical damage but he fell ill with severe stomach issues for hours after eating it. He settled a lawsuit against the subway and the case seeks for about $1 million indemnity. (CBS News 2008) Here are some examples of foreign body found in food which make them a physical contamination: A man found hair in his steak at West Bend restaurant.(Dan Benson,2008) A woman found a metal bolt in her hamburger at Applebee’s restaurant in Albuquerque.(KOB News, Danielle Todesco,2014) A â€Å"nose ring†was found in a children’s breakfast at McDonald. (Taylor Berman,2012) As we have seen, there a lot of foreign objects that was found in many restaurants or fast foods. This has negative effects on the reputation on the restaurants or on the consumer itself. Many precautions and control measures should be taken to ensure safety in consumable products. Question 2(a): Effects of physical contamination. Physical contamination can lead to many hazardous effects. One of the many is physical injury. As we have seen, the metal bolt found can lead to serious dental injury. There are also broken glasses found in food which can cause gum bleeding and injure the lining of the gut. Some foreign body can even cause suffocation as they block the respiratory system. Foreign objects can bring along harmful microorganisms in foods. This can result in food poisoning. Objects such as hair, needle or condom can bring many diseases, in some cases: incurable. Another adverse effect is for the establishment itself. The reputation of the institution can be ruined; even it can cause the organization to be closed forever at some level depending on the case. The establishment can make great loss because of legal actions and lawsuits. There is great loss of food as the food become spoiled and cannot be used. Question 2(b): Controls to prevent physical contamination. Physical contamination occurs by accident. Therefore, there are certain controls and measures to prevent it. First of all, the most common physical contamination is hair found in food. So, first of all we need to be sure that employees are following the policy of the institution. They must wear appropriate protective clothes. A human being loses 50-75 hairs a day; food handlers should wear a hairnet or a hat. Staff should not wear any jewelry and cuts covered with plasters should be waterproof and need to be tie properly as it may fall during handling of food. Staff should also be responsible as they must have good personal hygiene. For example: nails need to be cut neatly as it can break and fall into the food. The establishment should have a good maintenance program to ensure durability in machine equipment. Broken equipment or machine in repairs should not be kept near preparation of food, this increases the risk of food contamination. The building also should be renewed as to prevent paint or other objects to detach and fall into the food. To protect the establishment from nuisance, pest control should be made appropriately. Also, all the cooked and uncooked food should be covered to prevent dust particles or other foreign objects to fall in. In spite of all the measures and security being followed, customer complaints keep increasing. But, controls and measures should be sustainable and to be followed all the time. Managers should ensure that all the security measures are being followed not only for the employees but also for the suppliers. Case study 2 Question 1: Analyze and discuss the type of contamination and provide examples. According to the information provided in case study two, it’s a chemical contamination. Chemical contamination is the presence of chemical substances produce naturally by plants and animals or introduced accidentally, which make the food unfit for consumption. This can be hazardous depending on the substance introduced or chemicals present in high concentrations. As per the case study, Susumber berries are listed noxious weed in U.S. The berries may contain toxic substances but we don’t know exactly at what stage it’s the most toxic. As the berries were cooked and then frozen, we can conclude that heat don’t have an effect on the berries but the consumption number has an effect on the consumer, that is the third person consume a smaller amount of the berries and hence experienced another effects compared to the other two. These conclusions are based on clinical symptoms and also the toxicity of the berries is not well known, so we can say that another substance have caused these effects. For example, chaconine poisoning was suspected and chaconine is found when potatoes turn green. As we have seen, chemical contaminations could be due to: Naturally occurring toxins. For example, the red kidney bean produces a toxic agent (kidney bean lectin). The beans need to be cooked at high temperature for a long time to be out of danger. Other examples are: shellfish, certain fish such as the fugu (puffer fish), rhubarb and potatoes. Reactions during food processing At high temperature cooking such as grilling and irradiation. Environmental contamination It can be from residues from agricultural or other processes such as insecticides, herbicides, pesticides. In japan, mostly all the villages in the village of Minamata were found to be contaminated by consuming fish. Industries throw their waste products containing mercury into the river. Fish were contaminated with these product and so the villages by fishery. (Douglas Allchin n.d) In 2008, sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid were mix with wine to dilute it. (Reuters 2008) In 2003, veterinary antibiotic nitrofurans (which are banned) were found in chicken. This chemical can cause cancer over long term consumption. (FSA News Item 2003) Question 2(a): Effects of chemical contamination. The effects of chemical contamination can be determined by chemical introduced in the food and also the dose. For example, lack of iron in the body causes anemia but too much iron can cause death. In some cases, effects can be both physical and mental. Substances such as mercury can cause handicap and even death. Other substances can cause damage to our nervous systems. But in light cases chemical can cause: Abdominal pain Nausea Headaches Dizziness Also it causes loss to the organization as the spoiled food should be discarded and it must face legal actions. Question 2(b): Controls to prevent chemical contamination. Establishment involve in the production of food should: Separate chemical equipment from the production of food Chemical equipment such as cleaners and sanitizers should be clearly labeled Ensure that raw materials entering the production line should be checked and labeled Ensure that suppliers are correct, that is, they are using legal substances and in right amount Inspect and control stock regularly Proper waste management. Food handlers should be trained and supervise so as they follow the rules and regulation of dosing or diluting any substances. They must know the purpose and function of the chemical before using it. Chemicals must be stored in designated storage areas or cupboard. Case study 3 Question (a): Discuss the type of food borne illness. Biological contamination refers to biological substances (living organisms) such as bacteria, fungus, parasites, molds and yeast that cause health problems when introduced in the body. Biological contamination exists in two forms: food intoxication or food infection. Food infection is the consumption of food containing bacteria whereas food intoxication is the consumption of food containing both bacteria and toxins (from biological source). Toxins are poisonous substances produced by a living organism which can make harm to human or animals. According to the evidences provided in case study three, this is a case of biological contamination, more precisely it’s a case of food intoxication. This is because the bacteria clostridium botulinum and B toxin was found. Question (b): Discuss the symptoms, sources and effects caused by C. Botulinum The bacteria and the toxin were found in the in yoghurt. The hazelnut yoghurt can be considered as high risk food because of its protein content. The decrease concentration of sugar so as to decrease calorie in yoghurt can be a factor that contributed to the growth of the bacteria. The reason for this outbreak is the bacteria found in cans of hazelnut puree. As it’s an anaerobic bacterium, it grows best in places with less oxygen. Usually this bacterium is associated with can food as inadequate processing of the hazelnut puree can decrease the pH of the food sufficiently to permit the growth of the bacteria. Due to the new formulation, decrease in temperature cannot kill all the bacteria. The rest of the bacteria that survive multiplied in the yoghurt. Toxins produce by clostridium botulinum causes botulism. The symptoms appear after 18-36 hours after consumption. But the time can vary from individuals. If the person infected is not treated rapidly, it can result in death. The early symptoms experienced by infected persons are: Difficulty in swallowing Fatigue Vomiting Nausea Dizziness Double vision The toxins produce by the bacteria can cause severe paralysis as it acts on our nervous systems. At first the patient will experience weakness in arms and neck. If this continues to the chest, the later will have difficulties in breathing as the respiratory muscles will be affected and later on, death may occur. The most serious effect cause by the bacteria is obviously death. But that’s not all that the bacteria will do to a patient. The paralysis cause by the later can be forever. Recovery from this disease can take weeks or even month, some people never recover fully. (WHO 2013) Question (c): Describe and discuss with examples two other bacteria, mentioning the symptoms, sources and effects, which cause food borne illness. Listeria Listeria is the bacterium that is responsible for the disease listeriosis. It is mainly found in soil and water and some animals such as cattle and poultry. It can also be present in food made from raw milk. Unlike other bacteria, listeria can grow in both in oxygenated conditions (aerobic) and conditions where there is no oxygen (anaerobic). It can also grow and multiply in refrigerated conditions which make it very dangerous. Therefore refrigerated pà ¢tà ©s or meat spreads is not advisable to eat. But this bacterium is destroyed by high temperature and pasteurized milk. The incubation period of this bacterium can be about 3-70 days. The infected person will feel weakness, vomiting, stiff neck and fever and sometimes diarrhea. Although it is treated with antibiotics certain measures should be taken to avoid it. A proper sanitation must be done to prevent not only listeriosis but other bacteria. A good sanitizer for listeria is alcohol. Kitchen materials such as knife, chopping board and the raw product itself should be washed properly. Ready-to-eat foods and leftovers should be heated to high temperature and consumed rapidly. Refrigerated food should be kept below 4o C to prevent growth of the bacteria. (Kenneth Todar n.d) Campylobacter Campylobacter is responsible for the disease campylobacteriosis. It is recognize as the main cause of bacterial foodborne disease in many countries. It causes mainly intestinal infection. It is mainly found in raw or undercooked poultry, contaminated water and unpasteurized milk. Contaminated water is also a source of contamination. Many cases were reported because of contaminated water during recreational activities. But most cases it’s by animal or animal products. The major contributor to this disease is believed to be undercooked poultry which is contaminated. Infected persons can experience cramping and abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fever, diarrhea (sometimes bloody). This can be after 2-5 days after exposure to the bacteria. Although campylobacteriosis is not a fatal disease but 76 people die every year. This is due to severe diarrhea which makes the body lose a lot of water. Beside those effects, there are preventive methods to limit the proliferation of the bacteria. First of all we must start at the base of the food chain. Farm animals such as poultry should be fed with uncontaminated water. There must be good water systems and also a good waste management because campylobacter can survive in its feces. Animals should be slaughtered according to the rules. Meat, especially poultry should be cooked at significant temperature to destroy the bacteria and raw milk should be pasteurized. (NCEZID 2013) Question (d): Discuss the impact of food borne illness. Food borne illness can have an impact not only for the infected people but its worldwide. It can have an impact on our social life. Some of the infected persons which have not recovered completely must stay in bed for the rest of their life and the medical care must go on. This can be costly. Cases of trauma can erect from individuals suffering from a long time. In another hand, some people are paralyzed for the rest of their life. It can also have an impact socially. If the outbreak is not controlled many people and animals can lose their life. Another impact of food borne illness can be at economical level. Contaminated food and animal should be destroyed. If cases of contamination are reported in poultry, most of the animals should be killed and this results in great loss of money. Money should be invested to have a good water system in order to provide the animals with uncontaminated water. The farm should have a good waste management so that feces are discarded safely. Infected persons won’t be able to go to work and the level of absenteeism will increase. This will decrease the income -in terms of money- of our country. Question (e): Discuss how foodborne illness can be controlled Although cases of foodborne illness keep increasing, preventive measure must be taken to diminish those outbreaks. First of all, the organization must have a good food safety management as well as pest control system and good wastage system. Most of the cases occur by accident or due to inappropriate conservation method or mistake while processing food. As a precaution method, food handlers should be educated in types of foodborne disease, causes and preventive methods. Often we say that people are the key to prevent or to reduce foodborne diseases. That’s why staffs should have a good personal hygiene such as nails must be cut to prevent it from breaking off while handling food or the use of gloves where it’s necessary. Sanitation practices can decrease cases of foodborne illness. For example, if a knife and chopping board is used to cut a chicken, it must be washed thoroughly and sanitized before cutting other ingredients. Chemical sanitizers must be used to kill bact eria as it contains acidic solution; bacteria cannot survive in acidic conditions. Storage areas must be kept clean and controlled regularly. Food items must be well preserved to prevent access to insects and rodents. Insects like cockroaches carry a lot of harmful bacteria. All materials used or food contact surfaces must be cleaned and sanitize before and after work. Cross contamination should be avoided as it may carry bacteria from one item to another. Food must be used before the perishable date. Industries using food in masse must get their raw products from a trusted supplier as bacteria such as campylobacter and salmonella is transmitted by infected water and feces. If the supplier or the farm proprietor does not have a good water system, all the animals can get infected. Food must be stored in such temperature to avoid the ‘danger zone’. The danger is a range of temperature where the bacteria multiply rapidly. Food must be stored below 4oC and cooked food must be served above 63oC to be sure that most the bacteria are dead. Low temperature (below 4oC) make the bacteria inactive, after defrosting the food it must be cook rapidly in order to prevent the bacteria from multiplying. Pre-prepared food and leftovers must be consumed within 4 days and if in doubt, it must be discarded.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Is Technology Changing Culture? Essay -- Technology
Do it yourself (DIY) is a term used to describe building, modifying, or repairing of something without the aid of experts or professionals. The phrase "do it yourself" came into common usage in the 1950s in reference to home improvement projects which people might choose to complete independently. In recent years, the term DIY has taken on a broader meaning that covers a wide range of skill sets. DIY is associated with the international alternative rock, punk rock, and indie rock music scenes; indymedia networks, pirate radio stations, and the zine community. In this context, DIY is related to the Arts and Crafts movement, in that it offers an alternative to modern consumer culture's emphasis on relying on others to satisfy needs. The abbreviation DIY is also widely used in the military as a way to teach commanders (hence how from this YouTube videoclip) or other types of units to take responsibility, so that they'd be able to do things themselves just as a preparation for their own future.The dynamic association among culture and technology means that technologies furthermore change the cultures that use them regularly. Presumably, this alteration in culture is better for at least the predictable future, or there would be no motive to use the new technology, that constantly d evelops. However, humans have a tendency to concentrate on the short-term benefits without thinking about the long-term penalties. Whether the failure to foresee how technologies will ‘move’ culture is the outcome of a biological inclination to overlook the long term problems or the inability to comprehend and predict all thinkable consequences is arguable. [1] Sometimes technologies result in cultural modifications that become non-efficient in the long run.... ...e and Technology." Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. . 3. "Â ." Acton Institute. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. . 4. "UnderstandingSociety." : Technology and Culture. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. . 5. "Technological Determinism." Technological Determinism. Web. 17 May 2012. . 6. "Talcott Parsons." Talcott Parsons. Web. 17 May 2012. . "Terra Nova." : Culture vs Technology. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. . "Home." Gapingvoid. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. .
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Humanity of the Primitive in Heart of Darkness, Dialect of Modernism an
Humanity of the Primitive in Heart of Darkness, Dialect of Modernism and Totem and Taboo    The ways in which a society might define itself are almost always negative ways. "We are not X." A society cannot exist in a vacuum; for it to be distinct it must be able to define itself in terms of the other groups around it. These definitions must necessarily take place at points of cultural contact, the places at which two societies come together and arrive at some stalemate of coexistence. For European culture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries this place of contactâ€â€this new culture by which to define itselfâ€â€came from Africa, from those "primitive" cultures whose society was being studied and in some ways appreciated for the first time. The African natives became the new Other, the new way to define what Europe was at that time.    The way in which this redefinition took place was through the institution of a fundamentally hierarchical system. "Primitive" versus "sophisticated," "barbarous" versus "cultured." The anthropology of the timeâ€â€articulated primarily by Frazerâ€â€espoused an evolutionary view of humanity. Societies passed through several stages of development on their way to true civilisation, and, while the Europeans had made it all the way, the Africans were lagging just a bit behind. This, however, created a problem for Europe. If Africans were fundamentally the same as Europeans (albeit farther back on the evolutionary ladder), what did that say about the roots of European society? This uncertainty created a very disjunctive view of primitives in the literature of the time. In his book, The Dialect of Modernism, Michael North suggests that, "The colonial subject is either a part of nature, utter... ... intensely inhuman, Freud shows us that these things are all one. This continuum of thought collapses into one inescapable fact: we are the primitive, and he is us.  Works Cited and Consulted Arnold, Matthew. Culture and Anarchy. Indianapolis: Bobs-Merrill, 1971. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1988. Freud, Sigmund. Totem and Taboo. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1950. Greene, Graham. The Heart of the Matter. New York: Penguin, 1984. Mahood, M. M. The Colonial Encounter: A Reading of Six Novels. Totowa: Rowman, 1977. North, Michael. The Dialect of Modernism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. Raskin, Jonah. The Mythology of Imperialism. New York: Random, 1971. Watts, Cedric. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: A Critical and Contextual Discussion. Milan: Mursia International, 1977. Â
Friday, October 11, 2019
Bladder Cancer
BLADDER CANCER Bladder cancer is the growth of malignant cells in the urinary bladder. Most forms of bladder cancer start in the superficial layer of the transitional epithelium, and most often affect the transitional cells. It may also be called transitional cell carcinoma or even urothelial carcinoma. Urothelial carcinoma is also a term used for transitional cell cancer in the renal pelvis, ureters, and urethra. Bladder cancer is a relatively common disease. It is the fourth leading cancer among men (following prostate, lung, colorectal cancers), and the tenth leading cancer among women; occurring in men about three times more often than women. Like most types of cancer, bladder cancer usually involves epithelial cells, in this case, the transitional epithelium that lines the urinary bladder. Constant repetitive damage to the epithelium causes the mature cells to die. This stimulates rapid replication in the basal layer, and soon new colonies of immature cells migrate to the surface. These new cells are easily disrupted by genetic mutations and may become malignant growths that cause bleeding into the bladder. The causes of bladder cancer vary according to medical history and geographical location. People who have had pelvic radiation for other problems and people who have had chronic infections, bladder stones, or catheter use are at an increased risk for developing bladder cancer. In Africa, Asia, and South America, bladder cancer is associated with a specific parasitic infection, called Schistosoma haematobium. In the United States and industrial countries, most cases of bladder cancer are directly related to more controllable factors. The transitional epithelium of the bladder seems to be particularly susceptible to damage from environmental toxins. Several genetic mutations that limit the body’s ability to slow down tumor growth or invasion have been linked to bladder cancer. These mutations are frequently triggered by exposure to carcinogenic substances. About half of bladder cancer cases are believed to be related to cigarette smoking. Other contributing factors include exposure to aromatic chemicals used in dry cleaning fluid, hairdressing chemicals, and textile and rubber industries. The earliest most dependable sign of bladder cancer is hematuria (blood in the urine). The urine of a bladder cancer patient is often noticeably reddened or rust colored, although the patient has no particular pain in the early stages of the disease. If the tumors continue to grow and invade deeper layers of the bladder, secondary symptoms may develop. These are the result of mechanical pressure, including the bladder irritability (painful urination, increased frequency of urinating, reduced urine output) and compression on the rectum, pelvic lymph nodes, and any other structures that may be in the way. In order to diagnose bladder cancer, urine samples may be tested to look for shedding cancer cells, and a digital rectal exam (or a pelvic exam if the patient is a woman) provides information about tumors. Other diagnostic techniques include using dye to stain the urine and make the bladder easy to radiograph. Specific markers for bladder cancer have recently been identified, but tests to find them are not yet consistently accurate or widely available. However, continued development in this area show a promising future toward the early detection and treatment of this disease. How to treat bladder cancer depends on the stage at diagnosis. Surgeons can use a small wire loop at the end of a cystoscope to remove abnormal tissue, or another tool may be used to burn the tumor away with electricity. More invasive surgeries may remove part or the entire bladder, and if signs of pelvic metastasis are present, other tissues as well. Urine flow may be routed out of the body through a stoma, or a variety of surgeries have been developed to form artificial bladders from parts of the large or small intestine. In addition to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy may be used in the battle against bladder cancer. More than 70% of bladder cancer diagnoses are made when the cells affect only superficial layers of tissue. Of course, this is excellent news because the survival rate for cancers caught early is much better than for cancers caught in stage three or later. Even so, bladder cancer has an unusual habit of growing in several places at once, so although it may be possible to catch one or two tumors, any invisible third, fourth, and fifth tumors may not become symptomatic for another several months. This means that the reoccurrence rate for bladder cancer is surprisingly high; up to 80% percent of bladder cancer patients have at least one reoccurrence. The relation between bladder cancer and carcinogenic substances is one of the most clearly demonstrated links between environmental exposures and cancer. The good news is the bladder cancer is probably a completely preventable disease, if exposure to the carcinogenic substances is limited or eradicated. References Bladder Cancer. (2008). Retrieved 30 January, 2009, from Mayo Clinic Foundation for Medical Education and Research Web site: http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/bladder-cancer/DS00177 General Information about Bladder Cancer. (2008). Retrieved 30 January, 2009, from National Cancer Institute Web site: http://www. cancer. gov/cancertopics/types/bladder Health Information: Bladder Cancer. (2008). Retrieved 30 January, 2009, from University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinic Authority Web site: http://apps. uwhealth. org/health/adam/hie/1/000486. htm
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Audit Notes
Practitioners give the Users a written conclusion Accountable party must have an accountability relationship with the Users Auditors in an engagement must be independent because they would be perceived as unbiased Definitions:Accounting 0 Recording, classifying, and summarizing economic events in a logical manner for the purpose of providing financial information to have a proper decision making process Assurance 0 An engagement where a practitioner is engaged to issue a written communication expressing a conclusion concerning a subject matter for which the accountable party is responsible Auditing 0 Accumulation and evaluation of evidence about information to determine and report on the degree of correspondence between the information and established criteria Auditing should be done by a competent, independent person.Audit of FIS (Triangle diagram based on the conformity of the FIS with IFRS, GAAS, ASPE) Auditor 0 Shareholder's 0Management Auditor gives their written opinion to the Shareholders Management gives a stewardship relationship (to manage and look after the company for the S/H) with the shareholders Audit Objectives To gain reasonable assurance of FIS To ensure FIS are free from material misstatements For the auditor to express an opinion about the FIS being prepared with respects to the tlnancial reporting trameworks (IFRS Chapter 2 – The Public Accounting Profession Quality Control for Firms (Table 2. 2. 9) Leadership for Quality Control Should be present for all audits Quality control procedures should be implemented and communicated to everyone Firms should ensure all personnel are qualified Establish a formal code of conduct Ethical Principles are Required Principles include: Integrity Objectivity Professional Confidence
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Case-Training for Excellence at Wegman Food Market
Case-Training For Excellence At Wegman Food Market Case: Training for Excellence at Wegman Food Market Wegmans Food Markets, â€Å"a regional supermarket chain based in Rochester, New York, is one of the top 75 U. S. supermarkets in terms of sales volume and is widely respected in the industry. Observers agree that training is a big reason why the company stands out,†(Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart Wright, 2009, p. 209). In this paper I will discuss how training at Wegmans’ is related to its organizational needs and how Wegmans’ measure the success of their training programs. I will also discuss if an e-learning will be an appropriate training method at Wegman and for what aspect of training might it be most beneficial? I will discuss how on-going training for employees can have a positive impact on employee retention Discuss how training at Wegmans’ is related to its organizational needs. â€Å"Hiring the right people means more than just securing employees who possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a particular job; these people must also be able to acquire new knowledge and skills as jobs and environments change,†(Dreher Dougherty, 2001, p. ). Wegman Food Market Human Resources department have to ensure that they are hiring the right people that will provide the customers with superior customer service and commit to implementing the knowledge they receive during training. Wegmans organizational strategy is for the employees to â€Å"understand sales and competing on the basis of quality and service,†(Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart Wright, 2009, p. 209). Wegman Food Market uses hands on training throughout their stores, to provide the employees with an opportunity to experience making the products themselves. Training content includes practical matters such as product knowledge, food safety, and the ways to cook and bake,†(Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart Wright, 2009, p. 209) fits the organizational needs of the Wegman Food Markets. According to the case, how does Wegmans’ measure the success of its training? Increased sales and customer satisfaction reviews are ways that Wegman Food Market executives can mea sure the success of company training. â€Å"Wegmans measures the success of its training based on whether a store’s sales are growing. In fact, sales and profit growth are primary ways the company measures the performance of the company’s director of training and development,†(Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart Wright, 2009, p. 209). Wegman Food Market employees’ new positive attitude towards doing their job and providing the best customer service are also ways that executives can measure success of company training. â€Å"Assessment of training also should evaluate training outcomes, such as change in attitude, ability to perform a new skill, and recall of facts or behaviors taught in the training program,†(Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart Wright, 2009, p. 07). Do you think e-learning might be an appropriate training method at Wegmans? Why or Why not? For what aspect of training might it be most beneficial? E-learning â€Å"involves receiving training via the Internet or the organization’s intranet, typically through some combination of Web-based training modules, distance learning, and virtual classrooms,†(Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart Wright, 2009, p. 192). E-learning â€Å"content may be delivered via the internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, CD-ROM and satellite TV,†(SHRM, 2008, p. ). Wegman Food Market could benefit from implementing an e-learning training method in their stores. The Human Resource department can use the training tool to train new and old employees that may have missed a previous training session due to a scheduling issue. The employees would be able to train on their own time or refresh their knowledge about preparing a particular product without having to ask another employee or supervisor. The employees will be able to assist the customers with confidence and enthusiasm. The e-learning system may also process enrollments, test and evaluate participants, and monitor progress,†(Noe, Hollenback, Gerhart Wright, 2009, p. 192). This training system can help the Human Resource department keep track of all the employees tra ining. They will be able to see which employee’s needs to be trained and which employees passed or failed any training sessions. Implementing an e-learning system at Wegman would reduce the cost of traveling to training locations and the cost of bringing in training coaches from different companies. Discuss how on-going training for employees can have a positive impact on employee retention. Knowledge and skill acquisition will not lead to improved firm performance unless employees are allowed and encouraged to use job–related knowledge and skills when performing their jobs,†(Dreher Dougherty, 2001, p. 7). In order for Wegman Food Market to reduce retention rates, they will need to develop new training programs and make improvements continuously. Training should be offered to Wegman employees annually or quarterly to ensure that they are learning new techniques and different recipes to teach to the customers. â€Å"Effective initial and ongoing training can ge t employees engaged in their work. New employees that are given thorough orientation and training can take their new skills and start performing in their new role with confidence. On going training demonstrates that the organization values the employee in their current role as well as their potential for future personal development,†(Loyaltyworks, 2010). On going training at Wegman Food Market will lead to increased morale and a sense of achievement from the employees. Employees will feel appreciated for their work and want to help the company succeed in reaching any company goals and providing the best customer service to Wegman customers. When employees job satisfaction rates are up, the employees will be less likely to leave the company. In this paper I have discussed how training at Wegmans’ is related to its organizational needs and how Wegmans’ measures the success of their training programs. I have also discussed that e-learning will be an appropriate training method implemented at Wegmans’ and what aspect of training it will be most beneficial. I have also discussed how on-going training for employees can have a positive impact on employee retention rates. Dreher Daugherty. (2001). Human Resources Strategy: Understanding Behavior in Organizations. New York: McGraw-Hill Loyaltyworks. (2010). The 8 Drivers of Employee Satisfaction and Engagement. Retrieved on October 27, 2010 from http://hubpages. com/hub/The-8-Drivers-of-Employee-Satisfaction-and-Engagement Noe, R. A. , Hollenbeck, J. R. , Gerhart, B. , Wright, P. M. (2009). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (3rd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill SHRM. (2010). Introduction to the Discipline of Human Resources Technology. Retrieved on October 29, 2010 from http://www. shrm. org/hrdisciplines/technology/Pages/TechnologyIntro. aspx
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Saudi arabia running dry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Saudi arabia running dry - Essay Example The depletion of the earth’s natural resources is due to human activities. Identification of the economic natural resources such as oil has led subsequent depletion of other resources for instance, people clear the forest to create room for mining of oil underground yet forest are rain catchment areas (hindering effective production of hydroelectric energy); hence, leading not only to the exhaustion of oil, but also the emergence of the desert, yet some of these resources are non-renewable (Gonzalez, 4). The author of this book was motivated to do the research in order to understand the extreme shifts in oil prices, future durability of oil, the impact it has on the environment and what should be done. The argument of this book is that economically valuable natural resources such as oil has led to Saudi Arabia running dry. In the process of mining, oil there is interference of other fundamental natural resources such as land, water and forest. There is the use of chemicals on the land, leaving it infertile; cutting down the forest to create more space for extracting the oil these have led to less water availability and food insecurity posing threat in the economy. The book also gives factors to put into consideration, to change the situation. It talks about the population growth-over population puts pressure on the limited natural resources, leading to their over exploitation (Gonzalez, 29). Pollution of the environment should be limited as it is the major cause of desertification, for example, water pollution, land pollution, which leads to food insecurity. Policies should be put in place to govern the management of natural resources. The book covers the natural resources as an economic problem. In this book, he talks about the interdependency of Saudi Arabia as the cause of it running dry. Saudi has got limited underground water to support its wheat plantation and agricultural support leading to their reliance on other states for food supply; hence, food
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Myth of Bermuda Triangle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Myth of Bermuda Triangle - Essay Example As the paper outlines, no US government file has identified the location of Bermuda Triangle or for that matter, the Board of Geographic Names; still the name is synonymous with the mystery as a number of ships have disappeared, as is acclaimed without providing any logic behind their disappearance. Let’s focus on the geographical positioning of the Bermuda Triangle, which is considered to be off the Southeastern coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean, with its vertices touching Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, roughly grounded in 500,000 square miles (Obringer, 2012). The adjective ‘Devil’ was associated with Bermuda because once Bermuda was called, â€Å"the Isle of Devils.†It is because the reefs surrounding the area are quite tricky to the sailing ships, resulting in the wreckage of sailing ships. An object becomes a mystery when the logic behind extra-ordinary happening near that object is not cross-checked, and rumors tak e a full circle, thus, making people believe in the reality of such rumors. The same is the case with the Bermuda Triangle where, it is stated that not only ships but aircraft also disappear while hovering over the mysterious region, called Bermuda Triangle. Actually, reports of sinking ships have not been authenticated by some government body, such as the U.S. Coast Guard, which finds nothing particular in the number of ships meeting with accidents in the region. It seems that the media have used the incidents of missing ships as a ploy or cheap propaganda to boost their magazines’ sale. A deeper analysis of the past happenings leads to believe that imagination was allowed to flutter its wings in the air freely, as no serious attempt was made to halt the propaganda. Ship accidents surrounding the Bermuda region have been linked to alien abductions or giant octopus, but research on marine accidents by Norman Hooke for Lloyd’s Maritime Information Services rejects the e xistence of any such mystery over the Bermuda Triangle. Any accidents caused were related to bad weather conditions only. Further research has also proved that some major casualties had taken place, but these occurred far away from the stated Bermuda Triangle (Obringer, 2012). The scientific evidence based on computer-aided research of ocean floors revealing that huge methane gas explosions had been taking place under the sea-bed, specifically over the Bermuda Triangle region seem to be more convincing, but more evidence is required to believe in the scientific theory of the sudden eruption of methane gas in the form of a mega-bubble, not only swamping ships but projecting upward in the air, also engulfing airplanes (Cat, 2010). The scientific base of the methane gas bubble is that when a ship comes in the contact of the methane mega-bubble, the ship becomes devoid of all buoyancy and goes sinking to the bottom of the ocean. If the circumference of the bubbles is large enough and it is sufficient in density, the methane bubble can also force an aircraft to dive to the bottom of the sea without creating a system alert? The possible explanations that aircraft engulfed in the methane bubble stops the engine, and-perhaps inflames the methane around, causing instant loss of flight, as the airplane dives into the ocean. The scientific explanation of the mystery surrounding Bermuda Triangle seems to be doubtful in the absence of any reliable reports of ships and airplanes almost engulfed by such a bubble.Â
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