Saturday, August 31, 2019
Reverend Parris Character Analysis; Practice What You Preach
Reverend Samuel Parris was a selfish, power-hungry, and greedy man. Parris believed that everyone was beneath him and that they all owed him something in some way. When the Salem Witch Trials began Reverend Parris believed the girls rather than listen to Rebecca Nurse, who says, â€Å"I think She’ll (Betty Parris) wake when she tires of it. †Referring to the fact that Betty was faking her bewitched sleep, to save his name and title. Even Arthur Miller claims that there was little good to be said about Reverend Parris.Arthur Miller says at the beginning of act one, â€Å"†¦ He (Parris) believed he was being persecuted wherever he went, despite his best efforts to win people and God to his side. In meetings, he felt insulted if someone rose to shut the door without first asking his permission. †As if he believed just deserved the respect of the people. Reverend Samuel Parris just believes that what he does immediately gives him power and that makes him blind to the truth.The way Arthur Miller wrote about Reverend Parris turned him into an ungodly and power-hungry man. During the play Parris goes from being worried about his daughter to arguing with Giles Corry about his firewood and how he deserves to get it for free even with his sixty pounds a year that he gets paid plus the six he gets for firewood. â€Å"The salary is sixty-six pounds, Mr. Proctor! I’m not some preaching farmer with a book under my arm. †Says Mr. Parris, only proving my point on how much power he believes he has or deserves.Arthur Miller even says in the beginning of act one how â€Å"very little good can be said about Reverend Samuel Parris. †He makes Parris out to be a dictator as well as a selfish man. Arthur Miller, again says in the first few paragraphs of act one, says, â€Å"He (Reverend Parris) believed he was being persecuted wherever he went, despite his best efforts to win people and god on his side. In meetings, he feels insulted if someone rose to shut the door without first asking his permission. †Showing how Mr. Parris believed he was being persecuted wherever he went, despite his best effort to win people and God at his side. In meetings, he felt insulted if someone rose to shut the door without first asking his permission. †Showing how Mr. Parris believed he deserved that respect. Arthur Miller must have had some grudge against Reverend Parris for how he made him out to be; nevertheless this is what he was. Reverend Samuel Parris believed himself (something of a king or high authority) above everyone else in Sale. As I read I saw how selfish Reverend Parris was.For example, during the first act, and I’ve mentioned this before, Reverend Parris got into an argument with Giles Corry about how since he was the Minister of Salem that he should get his firewood for free and that sixty-six pounds a year was barely enough to live on. To that Giles said,†You are allowed six pounds a year to buy your firewood Mr. Parris. †Which Parris then turned into an argument on how when he worked in Barbados for more than he was working for now, and how they were lucky to have him at such a â€Å"low†salary.All of this arguing about wood was going on Right after everyone being worried about Parris’s daughter, Betty, who was believed to be under a spell. But I digress Mr. Parris was believing his fantasy that he was a good preacher and that everyone should respect him for that. Another thing I noticed, later in the play, was how much he cared about his reputation. He was all too eager to assume witchcraft and call on Reverend Hale, for me to believe he was worried about Betty.In the play, other people saw Reverend Parris in much the same way, selfish and greedy. John Proctor gave the biggest example, when he was talking to hale in act 2, after Hale told him, â€Å"Mr. Proctor, your house is not a church; your theology must tell you that. †John Proctor said, â€Å"It does sir; and it tells me that a minister may pray to god without he have golden candlesticks upon his alter. †He then went on to explain how Parris had preached about nothing but golden candlesticks until he got them, yet another example of Reverend Parris’s greed.As for selfishness, this one is obvious, first, his thought that he should get free firewood, and then not long after that one he says, â€Å"Man! Don’t a minister deserve a house to live in? †for not long before the play he had requested, â€Å"demanded†is how Giles Corry would put it, the deed to the house he was given for being the minister. And Proctor despises Reverend Parris’s Sermons for the fact that they always end up more about Hell than Heaven, he even says at one point, â€Å"Can you speak one minute without we land in Hell again?I’m sick of hell! †Reverend Parris’s actions prove everything other people in the town think. He is selfish, greedy, and power-hungry. The time he wanted golden candlesticks, he preached about them until they were given to him. When he realized that Betty was ill, rather than find a doctor, he immediately believed, and acted upon this belief that she was under a spell. He then proceeded to force Abigail, his niece, to tell him who forced them to do what they did in the forest despite her telling him that all they did was dance.The incident with the firewood and the house deed continues to show how very greedy and selfish Reverend Parris is. Even at the beginning of the play it shows how he would rather let the sin that all the girls committed go, than risk causing his house to be seen as part of said sin. This later leads to the Salem Witch Trials, because of his forcing the girls to tell him who forced them to do something that they did of their own accord. Parris was supposed to be a trusting and Godly man; his actions throughout the play don not depict him as such.Revere nd Samuel Parris was a selfish and greedy man hungry for as much power as he can get, who was blind to what was going on around him. His belief was that everyone in Salem owed him something, golden candlesticks, firewood, the deed to his house, which was in truth the house to the minister of Salem until he leaves that office, etc. showing his selfishness and greediness. During the introduction into the first act even Arthur miller says that Parris had very little good about him. My overall point to this is this, Practice what you preach, which as obviously seen, Mr. Paris failed.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Cause and Effect Essay: Marijuana in Schools
Cause and Effect Essay Marijuana can be found on every college campus in Canada and is the drug of choice coming in right behind alcohol. The Department of Justice Canada conducted a survey and found that, â€Å"almost one-third (29%) of college students had reported using marijuana during the previous 12 months of 1998. (http://www. justice. gc. ca/eng/pi/rs/rep-rap/2002/qa02_2-qr02_2/p2. html). According to a similar study, the majority of students on college campuses that use marijuana will also participate in other high risk activities.This destructive behavior includes things such as cigarette smoking, binge drinking and sex while intoxicated. Marijuana is so easy to obtain and can be very tempting to experiment with, especially if you have already had a few drinks and your thinking is impaired. Marijuana causes many internal and external problem for a college student, Marijuana can lead to academic problems, addiction, and physical/mental issues, marijuana can also lead to ser ious problems with the law. All these issues can potentially damage the outcome of a student’s future.Marijuana prices have a major effect on the amount of use by college students at any given point in time. Although it may be more socially available on college campuses, the price still determines the usage. The fact that marijuana is illegal in Canada helps to keep the price at a seemingly higher level. This artificial price illusion regulates the buying, selling and usage among college students. Compared to alcohol, marijuana is much more accessible, especially on college campuses. Getting alcohol requires an ID or someone with an ID.Getting marijuana only requires someone that supplies the drug. So even though it is illegal, marijuana is seemingly more common. Since possession of marijuana is illegal, it is not surprising that the consequences can be so debilitating. While attending college with federal financial aid, you run the risk of jeopardizing your federal aid by be ing charged with a misdemeanor. Possession of marijuana is considered a misdemeanor and if you are charged, the federal government has the right to take away any government aid that you were granted.So not only do you have a record for possession, but more than likely you are going through the judicial system of the college or university and may be suspended or expelled. Marijuana use can also lead to academic problems. Students that participate in these behaviors have a tendency to spend more time socializing than concentrating on what they should be, their academics. These students spend more time partying than studying which greatly affects their academic performance. Two of the physical effects of marijuana that directly affect academics are difficulty in problem solving and poor memory.Students may become less and less motivated to be involved in campus activities, and also may become decreasingly concerned with their long-term goals and career plans. Users may have a hard time limiting their use and may build a tolerance to the drug. This tolerance means that the user now requires a larger amount of the drug to get the same effect, and may develop problems with their jobs and personal relationships because the drug becomes such a major part of his or her life. Many students see marijuana as a â€Å"recreational†drug.With increased â€Å"recreational†use, the drug can become addictive. It is not so much an addiction, but a psychological dependence for smoking, and that feeling of intoxication. However, besides being illegal, marijuana may contain unknown contaminants that can severely harm your brain and lungs. With all of the risks of the drug, it is amazing that people still use it â€Å"recreationally†. It is common for students to first experiment with their peers, whether it be a friend, sibling or just an acquaintance. The peer pressure is the most likely cause of first time users.Physical effects of marijuana are different ac cording to the way in which it is taken, where it is used, the expectations and or ideals of the user, and whether or not it is used in conjunction with other drugs. Users often have chronic bronchitis and increased chances of getting lung cancer. Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers have. Marijuana also affects the brain, researchers say that THC changes the way in which sensory information gets into and is acted on by the hippocampus.The immediate effects of marijuana other than a feeling of intoxication are: bloodshot eyes, anxiety, confusion and paranoia, loss of coordination, and increased appetite. Mental effects show that the drug can impair or reduce short-term memory, alter sense of time, and reduce ability to do things which require concentration and coordination. Marijuana’s effect on a student can tally up to some very serious consequences that a student can suffer, the cause and effect of marij uana lead to problems of addiction, health problems, trouble with the law and poor academic performances.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also known as ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease is a disease. This disease attacks nerve cell and pathways to the brain and the spain cord. The nerve cells that are being attacked control muscle function that control the body mean all motor function as well. When these cell get attacked the start to die off as a result to treat the muscles in the body start to weaken and cause difficulty with speaking, swallowing and breathing. This disease can cause people to stop breathing as well. It is a rare disease that only 20,000 to 30,000 people in the USA are found with this disease. However it is the most common motor mondo disease among adults. About 5,000 people is diagnosed with this disease per year. It normale shown in people in the age of 40 to 60 but there are some causes that people have it when younger. Men are more likely to get this disease than women. There is a 5 to 10 percent chance that that this disease can be hereditary. If a parent has ALS there i s a 50 percent chances that there child will get this disease. They also found out that in certain places there are is a lower rate of people with ALS these countries include Mexico, Poland and Italy. People with ALS lives has been improving a bit with the new teacher that is being found out about it but this diese still is hard for families and individuals. Today about 10 percent of patients live over ten years after being diagnosed. Twenty live up to five years and more. Then fifty percent of pantion live three years or more. However 80 percent of passion die between two and five years after diagnostic. No one for sure know how ALS caused and who can be expected to get ALS. In most cases about 90 to 95 percent of them do not have a known cause. Some teachers are looking at different thing that they believe may be the cause of ALS. One belief it that is a gene mutation. They found out that various genetic mutations can lead to inherited ALS. This causes nearly the same symptoms as the non inherited form. Then there is chemical imbalances that they are looking at, people with ALS generally have higher level of glutamate. Glutamate is a chemical messenger in the brain and is ar ound the nerve cells in spinal fluid. Too much this chemical can be toxic to some nerve cells. They are also looking into disorganized immune response. This is when an individual immune system states eating there own normal cells. By this the body can start to kill it cell and may even kill itself. There evening looking at mishandling protein. Mishandled proteins within the nerve cells may lead to abnormal forms of proteins in these cells. By this it can cause nerve cells to be destroyed. They are also looking into smoking, Environmental toxin exposure and people in the military service. The diagnostic procedure for AlS is a complicated one. There is not one test or one procedure used to diagnose ALS. It can take up to a year or more to be diagnosed with ALS. To diagnosis ALS lab testing will be done. This includes blood, unian and thyroid function test to be performed. Another thing that is used is Muscle and or never biopsy. Which is where a piece of tissues is removed from a living body and is examined to see if anything look out of the ordinary. A spinal tap can be done as well. This is when the fluid in the spinal cord is evaluated by withdrawing some of that fluid from the spain. X-rays, MRI, and electro diagnostic test could and most likely be done as well to look at the muscles. The signs and symptoms of AlS. The first symptoms of this disease can go unnoticed. However, when time passes on the symptoms become worse. The cell start to die muscles start to weaken and muscle control can stop working.Arm and legs and usually the first to be affected. The starter to become weaker and The indulge with this disease ma y not be able to hold their own weight up evationly and my not be able to move there arms. Arm, shoulder, and the tongue can twitch and cramp. Feet and the ankle can start having less control and can not support ones weight. Breathing can become short and shalwar. The individual may need help with brother further on with this disease. THey may have a hard time swallowing and also may aspirate or inhale food and saliva in the lungs and chock. Most of these people with ALS dis by respiratory failures. Someone with ALS can become paralyzed and may not be able to speak. However ALS normally does not affect the five sense. Which is seeing, hearing, smell, taste and touch along with those the ability to think. There are different types of ALS and each type has there own symtoms that can very. One of the most common ALS in the Classical ALS this ALS affects upper and lower motor neurons cells. It affect more than two-thirds of people who Have ALS. Primary Lateral Sclerosis also known as PLS is a type of ALS. It also the rarest of all the type. The upper neurons is affected firs t. The lower neurons may not be affected for another 2 years but it normal affects the upper neurons the most. Progressive Bulbar Palsy i also know as PBP. This type of ALS starts to affect spanking, chewing and clawing first due to lower motor neurons deteriorate. About one fourth of people with ALS will get this type of ALS. Progressive Muscular Atrophy also known as PMA. This type the lower motor neurons is affected first and in about two years the upper neurons can be affect or may not be affected at all. This type normal stay in the lower neron. The last type that is known is Familial. This is a hereditary type of ALS five to ten percent of people in the USA can be affected. It is a fifty chance that if a parent has this disease it can be passed down to the children. There is not a lot of treatment. There is no cure for this disease. There is a medication that adds three to two ,months to someone life however all the symptoms are still there. They can also take other drug but this is to help cope with physical pain or mental health. People who has ALS can develop depression and can have panic attacks. They can take a physical therapy, occupational therapy and ar rehabilitation therapy. This is to try to help prevent joints from becoming imbolo and to try to slow down muscles weakness and anatomy. Living with ALS can become very difficult to that individual and for the people around them. Depending what type of ALS they have can have different effect. For they induvegele that need help breathing they may need a ventilation machine. They could also get An aneurysm diaphragm pacer system implanted in them that helps the diaphragm to move so the individual can breathe. There are also other thing that can be down to help with an indvical to breath. continuous positive airway pressure, bi-level positive airway pressure and tracheostomy are also some other thing that can help with people who need help breathing. When people start to lose the ability to speak they have to rely on technology and or other people to communicate for them. There also can be eating dificalcation. For these people the may need special cups and or silver where to eat and drink with. They may need a feeding tube or even go on a spection diet so they can eat. Cost of this disease can be very pricey. Medicare, equipment needed and even home health care can be expensive. It is important to look into health plan coverage and other programs for which an individual may be eligible for to help pay for the cost. Some of the thing that someone can look into is Social Security Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran Affairs benefits. Due to the fact more people are learning about ALS more reacher is being done to understand this diese and to stop it from affecting people lives. One group that is doing fresher for this disease is the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke or NINDS for short. They are the lead suporter of biomedical reaches in the world they look at the brain and nervous system. They are looking at the development and progress of this disease. They are also trying to figure out what people can be affected by ALS. They are looking into different thing they believe can be causes. One of theses is cellular defects. These scientists are trying to figure out how ALS- cause gene mutation and why it happens. They are trying to figure out how they mutation and have ir destruction of the neurons. TO do this they are using models to test this theory this includes fruit flies, zebrafish, and rodents. They found out that depending on what gene that it affect it affects a certain motor motion. THey also discovered that when a mutation motor neurons death and the defences in the cell because of this. Something they found is that that is affected is RNA molecules of processing and recycling of proteins is affect. They also found out some nerves cell can become inflamed and that can also play a big role in why the nerves cells die. They are also looking a stem cells. Saints would take blood and or skin form an indivagle with ALS and turn them to stem cells. By this the cells can become any type of cell in the indivages body including motor cells. That can replace the the mutated cells. ALS has affect quite a few peoples lives one person that it was Lou Gehrig. Which the disease can also be known as the Lou gehrig disease. He was a famous baseball player who was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 36. He was played for the New York Yankee as a first baseman. He had a record that stood for 60 years. It was the most consecutive baseball games played. Cause of this record he was known as Iron name. He had to retire in 1939 and died in 1941 due to the disease. Another person who was affected by this disease was Stephen Hawking. He is the longest person who have ever lived with this disease. Against odds he has lived over 40 years with ALS and he is still alive. He was diagnosed at that age of 21 and was told he was going to die before his 25 birthday. He is now 76. He is a scientist and is known as one of the most intelligent man alive. There are many other peopel who has been affected Kevin Tuner who was an american football fullback for eight seasons for the New England Patratirce and Philidaphina Egles.Stephen Hillenburg. He was an american cartooniestg, animation and a former marien biologiest. He was the creatrer of the telivtion searise of spongebob squarpants. He also directed it, pruduced it and witten it. SPreading Awareness of this disease became a goal to many. Many people did not hear of it. So in 2014 a former baseball college student Pete Frates that was diagnosed with ALS in 2012 at the age of 29. He wanted to bring awareness and to help get more money for rashy=church so he started the Ice Bucket changed. So far over 1.2 million people participated in this challenge. The ice bucket change is where a bucket of ice water dumped over their head and then donate money to the cuse . Since July 29, 2014, the ALS Association national office reported collecting $13.3 million in donations in the USA and counting was in 2014.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Problems faced by Grandiose Motors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Problems faced by Grandiose Motors - Essay Example Being proactive in his approach, the CEO wants to make sure that the planning for inventory management is done in advance so that the company can remain efficient. A major factor, which Felix Fabulous has extracted out, which could cause problems to the company is the inventory management system of the spare parts which are used in after sales service, one of the most important reasons why customers prefer Grandiose Motors over its competitors. In order to maintain the reputation of the company as an excellent provider of after sales service, the CEO wants to make sure that the purchasing and inventory management of the service parts should remain as efficient as possible and the company must be able to provide all the necessary spare parts without delaying customer wait time and at the same time reduce the cost of inventory holding and other operations in order to provide customers with low priced after sales service car repairs.. That is why he wants the purchasing department to de vise strategies for improved purchasing and warehousing of spare parts and other materials. A car dealership is a business in which profitability depends on per square foot of floor space and as vehicles occupy a lot of space, it is important that any car dealership must allocate maximum space to accommodate the placement of vehicles. In order to do so, it must utilize a much lesser space for other operations such as keeping and warehousing inventory. In light of this, Grandiose Motors faces the following problems related to space availability and inventory management: All the parts had different levels of demand and different suppliers; hence the company had to deal with many suppliers at the same time. This prohibited the company to achieve cost cutting as they could not purchase bulk quantity from a single supplier at a discount.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Network Topology Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Network Topology Design - Assignment Example Major emphasis has been laid on the use of a three-layer hierarchical model. The company’s initial network configuration revolved around ten (10) users. This lays the foundation for the first network topology. By the end of the first twelve months, the number of users or employees rose to one hundred. Consequently, this rise in the number of employees acts as the building for the second network topology design. Lastly, it is projected that in the second year, the number of employees will again rise by one hundred. As indicated in the network topology diagram below, the initial computer network configuration at the company is composed of ten user computers. This is to offer services to the company’s ten employees. For efficiency and smooth connectivity, a three-layer hierarchical network model has been applied. This is to promote successful execution of the day-to-day company operations. In essence, the model provided a quality platform for flexibility, which is a key requirement for the aggressive expansion in the company’s networking operations. The assumption for this initial model is that, virtual private network connectivity is the main security mechanism. This is because, as indicated in the diagram, all operations are within a network that has been well integrated into one coherent unit (Karris, 2009). It is essential to clarify that the second diagram below provides an extended version of the initial company network. This is because the number of employees has increased to one hundred. The main assumption for this network configuration is that it is divided into two virtual local area networks (VLANS). That is, each router is composed of its own local area network. This is to promote efficient management of each segment of the company network where one of them connects to the company warehouse. It has also been assumed that, each of the switches has a minimum
Monday, August 26, 2019
A Fast Food and Bakery Take-Away counter in Downtown, Mumbai Essay
A Fast Food and Bakery Take-Away counter in Downtown, Mumbai - Essay Example The initial setup of the bakery and fast food counter would be a small one to involve as little investment and risk as possible. The preliminary research has revealed that there are very few bakeries and fast food counters in the populated areas of Mumbai and hence, the competitive edge of the project would be its location inviting a lot of pedestrian traffic on a daily basis. The main customers of the counter would be office going youngsters and students who like mobile food and snacks and have a preference for Western origin food more than their local origins. The initial setup cost of the counter including the construction, rentals, machinery, raw material, etc. is around $ 76,000, which is an estimate calculated from the data of take away counters of similar capacity. An analysis of the location tells us that Mumbai is thickly populated with people belonging to all the backgrounds: Upper class, upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class, and the lower class. The main ta rget audience of the counter would be people belonging to middle class and the higher classes. Since Mumbai is densely populated with average income people, investing in a bakery that has numerous future prospects seems like an investment that is worthwhile. Another interesting factor is the change in the eating habits of people especially among the younger lot. They prefer fast food and snacks that they can eat while on the go. Hence, a take away counter for bakery items and fast food would definitely be a profitable venture. The Gantt chart of the project shows that it would take the counter approximately more than two months starting from research up until its launch. Project Description The outcome that the project would achieve is the setup of a take-away counter selling bakery and fast food items such as hot breads, rolls, cakes, burgers, sandwiches, pizzas, etc. The location of the counter would be in downtown Mumbai, India so that it gets a lot of foot traffic from the nearb y offices, schools, colleges, etc. The target market of the counter is young and middle-aged people working in offices or students who are constantly moving and need to eat outside their homes. As mentioned earlier, the eating habits of all younger generation are very different from the older lot, they prefer fast food and bakery items and thus, a counter catering to their needs would ensure lots of people coming during lunch and teatime hours. Another possible consumer base of the counter would be people with a sweet tooth and other who like to buy cakes and pastries for celebrations and religious festivals, which are abundant in India. The counter would host products such as pastries, custom made cakes, biscuits, mini muffins, etc. The counter would also place tables and chairs nearby so that consumers who want to sit can have their meals comfortably. The counter would have self-service. The packaging would be attractive and artistically done for takeaways and gifts. A study of th e market has provided that food business, specifically bakeries, fast food, and other similar outlets suffer less even in the time of recession. Another advantage with such counters is that they are easy to setup and not a lot of technical expertise is necessary. The overall business model of such ventures is pretty straight forward with a direct revenue model that does not have a lot of risk involved. The success of such a counter depends on the following factors: market need, taste and product quality. Mumbai is a metropolitan city with the people residing here belonging to all backgrounds and coming from all parts of India bringing in their own cultural heritage and taste. Here, the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Strategic Implementation and Alignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Strategic Implementation and Alignment - Essay Example Harrison-Keyes is currently facing numerous problems in its internal operations and from its various stakeholders. One of the most pressing concerns is the dual publication as a part of its strategy of diversifying into e-publishing. As opposed to its traditional operations, Harrison-Keyes will not only undertake publications of books but is going to enter the rapidly expanding e-publishing segment. This requires publishing an e-book in three months amidst the company's growing concern on the underperformance of Asia Digital Publishing, the service provider outsourced to format the e-books to be published. The company is also worried about the promotion and sales of their new products. Even though e-publishing is the current trend in the industry and the industry experts have expressed with optimism the forecasted growth in the sector, Harrison-Keyes' board are still filled with skepticism and are cautious of publishing books in digital media. Harrison-Keyes is also concerned about t he problems of security and infrastructure as a result of venturing into e-commerce. Another problem is the unpleasant response that the company is getting from its writers especially Will X. Harper. Amidst from this, Harrison-Keyes have yet to improve its image as they are bombarded with appalling publicities which cannot only damage their reputation but can significantly contribute to the crash of their stock price. Other issues are the company's control over production. This section will address the company's problems such as the dual publishing issue, producing an e-book in three months time, marketing the company's products, and control over production. Harrison-Keyes should pursue its e-publishing strategy in order to take advantage of the emerging industry trend in the shortest possible time. It is very essential that Harrison-Keyes conquer the e-publishing segment at the shortest possible time in order to reap the first-mover advantage (First Mover Advantage, 2001). The prod uction of traditional products won't be a problem as it is already the primary operation of Harrison-Keyes. The publication of the e-book will be the main concern as there are problems with the service providers from India. The e-book should be published in three months time and that leaves the company a very short period for the boot processes.Â
Tourism in Turkey and its effects in the Grand Tarabya Hotel Term Paper
Tourism in Turkey and its effects in the Grand Tarabya Hotel - Term Paper Example This aspect stimulates the probable growth of the Grand Tarabya hotel across the country, while branching and enjoying economies of scale profitably. The research implements the overall impacts that the country, Turkey, and the Grand Tarabya Hotel enjoy from different practices towards international tourism sector. Tourism in turkey The country possesses a vast and beautiful Mediterranean coast that owns magnificent seaside beaches, with some of them having chronological factors (Bramwell, 2004). The country’s city of Istanbul bears a rich heritage of a distinct culture emanating from the music, dressing, to global business. The country owns a wide range of tourist attractions thus drawing many, for example, the country’s growing economy attracts international investors (Hall, 2006). There is a propellant reason that the country’s political stature maintains business-oriented views towards all the economic sectors, whilst maintaining a profound degree of stabilit y and heritage to draw positive attention towards the country’s activities. Turkey’s Istanbul city is the home of the historical Ottoman Empire that ruled for 653years, from the 13th to the 20th centuries. The empire stretched through the European, Asian, and African continents alike with a monarchical and stringent leadership. Another historical feature in turkey is the Blue Mosque that dates from the 1609-1616, yet the architectural features stand out for their exotic beauty. The Dead Sea in Turkey, with elongated lagoons from the land serves for beaches and resorts from all dimensions. The country owns a vast number of resorts with more than a thousand in the city of Istanbul. The country boasts of the wide attraction, drawing almost all races from different continents across the world (Bramwell, 2004). The Grand Tarabya Hotel The hotel situated at the historical Tarabya town inherits a great perspective of the towns’ history, formerly referred by the Greek a s Therapia with the notion that the offshore town had healing features. The notion created an avenue for the rich, wealthy, and the rulers to crave and establish their presence in the town accordingly. According to history, the grand Tarabya hotel was the home of ancient rulers of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, the hotel inherits a foundation of rich culture and this aspect serves to draw visitors closer. The hotel, currently under renovation, draws attraction from local to the global tourism markets (Hall, 2006). The hotel further establishes a spectacle view to the sea, and the entire town, which serve for an attraction. Literature review The research project depicts relevance to the overall tourism effects to the country of turkey and the Grand Tarabya Hotel. In the research, tourism poses as an economic activity to Turkey and the importance relates directly to the hotel industry (Urry, 2011). The research implements findings on the following objectives: The push and pull factors to the international tourist, mainly these are the factors that draw tourists into the country. The research seeks to establish on the strategies that the country reinforces to the world thus drawing people’s attention towards the country. Mainly, the country may advertise on different contributing variables ranging from, economic to social factors that
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Using your research skills, you are required to conduct some research Assignment
Using your research skills, you are required to conduct some research into the employment prospects for UK graduates - Assignment Example aper will also examine the performance of the UK graduates in the past three to five years then investigate the changes and the trends that have been developing in the years. Lastly, the paper will evaluate if the benefits of obtaining a degree exceed the costs. The roles of the graduates have been changing over the years especially with the changing nature of the labour market. As seen in the research conducted by Purcell & Elias (2004), graduates in the UK today do a wide range of jobs as opposed to graduates in the past. This fact results from the changes that have been brought about by restructuring of the economy, changes in technology and the increase in the demand for skilled persons to fit in the labour industry (Purcell & Elias, 2004). The supply of labour in the UK is, therefore, changing, and the graduates have no option but to offer services that are required in the labour industry. The employment performance of the UK graduates as Purcell & Elias (2004) indicate is exemplary as the graduates have been said to work in jobs that were related to their long term careers. Since most jobs in the UK require a degree, the respondents in the research of Purcell & Elias (2004) indicated that they were satisfied with their career development. In terms of remuneration, the UK graduates have indicated a considerably good pay since employers have been indicated to pay higher premiums to degree holders as opposed to other employees. With the public sector employing a higher number of graduates than the private sector, the UK graduates are happy with their performance since their skills are required in their present employments; thus, most feel that they are well utilised (Purcell & Elias, 2004). Simply put, the UK graduates may be indicated to be satisfied with their present jobs and also reported higher levels of satisfaction in the manner in which their career was developing. Through an assessment of the graduates’ work, it is easy to assess the worth of the
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